Week 6 of my GNAR Quest: Making Progress
I am in Week 6 of my “GNAR Quest” (inspired by Steven Kotler and his upcoming book Gnar Country: Growing Old, Staying Rad). This Quest will go on for several months while I am training for my next Ironman triathlon. In these first 6-8 weeks, I have focused on building the foundational practices of PPA (Peak Performance Aging) that will help me optimize my performance and achieve my goal.
I have been making progress. A GNAR Quest demands a continuous process of being uber-intentional about how I spend my time, deliberately pursuing the four superpowers of aging: social activity, physical activity, creativity and challenge. Together, these activities can release key, life-generating neurochemicals that boost brain cognition and create that optimal “flow” state I am seeking.
Each day I try a different way to practice these four areas. For example, how can I vary my exercise routine to make it more challenging? Who can I reach out to as part of my social commitment? How can I build creativity into my twice-daily walks with my dogs, Posey and Nilla?
To be perfectly honest, on some days, I see little or no progress or change in how I feel or perform. But on others, I experience breakthroughs—often surprising myself with the outcome of my efforts.
Throughout this process, I’ve been reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Seth Godin: “It’s never too late to redefine self-control, to change long-ingrained habits, and to do the work you are capable of.”
My takeaway: I can have impact and make progress at any age. And you can too.
When will you acknowledge that, while aging is a fact of life, age is a mindset? And what will you do to increase your impact and make progress toward your own goals?
Want to get caught up on my GNAR Quest?
Week 5: Following the Rules
Business Development Leader
2yAwesome content Bobbie LaPorte, age is nothing more than a number :-)