The Week In Between

The Week In Between

Anybody working out there? In the automotive industry this is a down time. Everyone seems to first be focused on the Christmas gauntlet and then the week after just winding down from all the activities. Of course many have family visiting or them visiting family all the way through New Years.

We went to Disney World (we live in Orlando) and I think half the planet was there. Great parade and super fun time just seeing how everyone dressed.

If you are blessed with various electronic or technical gifts you might need the rest of the week to figure out how they work. The tree in our house stays up for quite some time after new years even after the outside decorations come down. We have to find a weekend for that project.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and my Jewish friends are enjoying Hannukah. Or is it Chanukah? New Years is next and we will celebrate as we usually do at home watching football (Roll Tide!) and having another great excuse to drink and eat too much.

A think in my case it is looking forward to what a great year is lining up for Gather. So many huge opportunities we are working on and most folks still don't even know who we are. That will be changing rather dramatically over the next few months.

I will have one more letter on New Years Eve for everyone. In the meantime I am working on bringing Gather to even more partners to either sell our offerings or use our API in their solutions. Until next week please continue to have a great time and stay safe.



Joe Tareen

Automotive Retail Professional


Merry belated Christmas and Happy Chanukah!

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