Weekly update #22
Welcome to this edition of the weekly newsletter. The idea behind this activity is to gather all the information in the startup ecosystem in one place, with a special focus on the fintech market.
One of the most interesting pieces of content I read this week was the report "States of Fintech 2024" by Motive Ventures in collaboration with ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and Dealroom.co . The report, is a wonderful snapshot of the fintech market at the beginning of 2024, with a strong comparison of ratios in the last couple of years.
The situation obviously and not surprisingly, is quite complex in terms of numbers. VC investment in fintech startups reached $42B in 2023, a drop of 63% from the previous year, approximately ⅓ of what happened in 2021, and the lowest since 2018.
At the same time, the value created from the fintech market since 2000, continue to grow at a good rate. Fintech companies launched in US and Europe are now worth $2T, with the vast majority of this value (approximately $1.3T, 66%) is still private and not exited. Less than 20% of those startups are now public.
And finally, a good snapshot of the aggregation wave started with the downturn. Starting in 2021, with a maximum peak of 294 operations, we saw multiple deals in the market in this sense, with 2023 that has been one of the most active years to date for fintech M&A (241 operations in total).
The report keeps on listing multiple and interesting variables, such as the main sectors in the fintech industries that gained traction during the years. For example, the payments sector grew immensely in terms of ratio, and was also one of the segments that was impacted less by the economic downturn in terms of capital invested (-15% 2022-2023). Overall, a highly recommended read for everyone interested in this field. You can find the report here if you want to deep dive on some topics.
Anyway we saw some very interesting news in the market this week. Amazon amplifies his investment in Anthropic , reaching a $4 billion commitment. Visa and Mastercard agreed on a long awaited deal on merchant’s fee on credit card transactions worth $30 billion, while Saudi Arabia wants to launch a gigantic $40 billion fund on AI with the help of Andreessen Horowitz . We also saw Nubank breaching the target of 4 million SMEs customers and Robinhood launching their new golden card. In the VC ecosystem two huge funds made the news, with Matter Venture Partners and New Summit Investments respectively raising $300 and $100 million.
But let's take a closer look at the main news of the last seven days:
Closed deals
Recommended by LinkedIn
Strategic moves on the market
A special look in the Italian market
Insights on the Vc industry
Startups raising funds
If you are a startup and want to be present in this list, please contact me directly.
If you are an angel investor or a VC interested in those companies, contact me for an intro!
Also, our friends at TechChill wanted to give a discount for every readers who want to participate to their next event in Riga April 17th-19th, so if you are up to it here you can find the 20% discount code: FinTechNewsxTechChill
Take also a look at the last edition of the newsletter, Weekly update #21