The Weekly Wrap: Set Better Goals
Let's say that your dream destination to visit is Bora Bora. 🏝 ☀️ 🌊
You want to stay in one of those bungalows over the water.
To be surrounded by the beautiful blue ocean and the warm sun.
To stay there for three weeks and really unplug and unwind.
Sounds amazing, right?
How do you turn that dream into a reality?
🟢 You might need to save some money to pay for the trip.
🟢 Or find a way to get the time off of work.
🟢 Maybe you need to address your fear of flying before you can jump on a plane.
🟢 Or perhaps just pick up some more beachwear to lounge in.
Whatever you need to do, you would set goals that would allow you to get to your destination, and turn your dream into reality. ☀️ ✈️ 🕶
The same is true for your business or your team.
Whatever your vision, you're not going to get there without setting goals to drive you.
Effective goal setting helps you:
❇️ Communicate your vision to your team.
❇️ Outline their role in supporting that vision.
❇️ Measure progress toward your destination.
❇️ Keep everyone accountable.
It is the only way to ensure everyone is rowing in the same direction. 🚣🏻 🚣🏻 🚣🏻
How else will you reach your destination?
Okay, so we know we need goals, but we also need to make sure they are the right goals.
For example, let's say you know you want to fly to Bora Bora. You could set a goal of buying an airplane, or you could set the goal of buying airplane tickets.
Both will get you to the same place, one will be much more expensive - and will probably take you longer to achieve.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
- Tony Robbins
So how do you make sure you're picking the right goals for yourself or your team? How do you buy the tickets and not the airplane?
Here are three key things I consider when picking my goals.
Does it support your vision? 🕶
Above all else, you need to make sure any goal you pick supports your vision.
Last week I talked about doing a retrospective and setting your vision. If you didn't read it, check it out here. Make sure you start with this vision and then think about what you can do to support your movement toward that destination.
🖌 If you could pick one thing that would move the needle the most to support your vision what would it be?
🖌 If you could pick one thing that would help you get to your vision that you are most passionate about what would it be?
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You need to make sure any goal you set is meaningful to you and also moves you toward the direction of you destination (vision).
Let's be honest, if you aren't passionate about the goal, your team won't care either.
Pick 1-3 things, depending on their complexity, and create your goals around that.
🖌 What are the 1-3 things you want to build your goals around this year?
Is it the right type of goal? 📊
There are three types of goals: process, performance, and outcome based.
Process based goals focus on specific actions. For example, if you're in sales a process goal might be to call X number of prospects daily before noon. You are 100% in control of these types of goals.
Performance goals are based on personal standards of achievement. These are mostly, but not totally within your control. This might be a goal of converting X number of leads out of 10 that you contact.
Outcome goals are focused on the end achievement and winning. In our example, this might be a goal of a top salesperson in the company, the state or the country. These types of goals are hard to control because of other outside influences.
All three goals have a linear relationship, with one helping you achieve the next level.
If you successfully achieve your goal of calling your prospects daily, you will be more likely to achieve your desired conversion rate and set yourself up for success towards the top of the pack.
Conversely, if you only set a goal of being the top salesperson, without having the process and performance goals already dialed in, you'll be setting yourself up for failure.
Understand what outcome you want to achieve, and then start with what you can control.
🖌 How can you make your goals process based to ensure success?
Is it attainable? 🔭
Finally, you need to find the right balance of "hard" for each goal.
Make it too easy and you and your team will be bored; too hard and you'll set them up for discouragement.
Channel your inner Goldilocks and find that line of "just right" between too easy and too hard.
You want to have to work hard to achieve it, but not make it unattainable or unrealistic.
This is different for every person and every team.
And when in doubt, err on the side of "easier," and then be prepared to crush it and set another goal.
The momentum of achieving and then setting another goal is always better than freezing because the goal is too big for the team to know where to start.
🖌 Where do you need to set the finish line to encourage your team the most effectively?
The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.
- Bill Copeland
You're going to work hard in 2023, make sure you're also moving in the right direction. ➡️
Setting effective goals can be a game changer for you, your team, and your business.
Next week we'll talk about how to craft each goal in the most effective way for maximum impact - so make sure you check it out as we continue this series on annual planning!
For now, let's kick off Friday afternoon with our dance party. I'll start us off! 🪩 💃🏼
Liz 🤓 🙌🏻 💜