Weight Loss: Six Things To Do
I lost 9lb in 3 months.
While losing weight was NOT the goal with which I started my simple plan three months ago, I diligently tracked my weight to write this blog and hopefully, serve as a motivation for those who are on the path of improving themselves every day- physically, mentally, emotionally & intellectually.
There are several diet plans and I offer no comments or criticism against any of them: if it works for some folks, it is best we accept those plans as long as they deliver the results.
Here are SIX THINGS I did for the last three months. I have ordered them in the increasing order of difficulty levels to practice.
- Stopped eating leftovers, frozen food, microwaved food.
- Stopped eating any sort of processed food. If I did not understand any of the ingredients or found 'chemical-sounding' names (including the innocuous ascorbic acid) in the packaging, I considered that as packaged food.
- Stopped snacking in between meals.
- Ate just twice in 24 hours with a gap of ~5-6 hours, and just water in between.
- Ate only when I was hungry and reduced food quantity to approximately half to three-fourths of what I normally eat. [Yoga recommends: half-stomach full of solids, quarter liquids and remaining empty for the digestive process to work its magic]
- Fasting once a fortnight: No solids for ~36 to 40 hours (5 pm the day before the fast, to 9 am the day after fast); and no water too for ~24 hours (6 pm of the previous day to 6 pm on the day of fast), out of that 36 hours: called nirjala ekadashi in Sanskrit. [one can adapt according to their body - maybe drink water/milk / eat fruits etc., on the day of fast...)
I am a lacto-vegetarian but I see no reason why the above should not work even for non-vegetarians.
I recommend you to try even one or two of the above and discover the benefits.
Other than the physical benefit of weight loss, you may also experience several mental & emotional benefits - some of which I and several friends of mine who follow this simple plan, have diligently blogged about in my blog.