Welcome Back to the 3rd Edition of the IP Insider Newsletter!

Welcome Back to the 3rd Edition of the IP Insider Newsletter!

Gain Invaluable Insights into Sustainable Technologies 

Find out why the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) relies on LexisNexis PatentSight+ when studying the sustainable innovation landscape.

A new patent trend report from WIPO, utilizing data from LexisNexis PatentSight+, reveals who is at the forefront in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Innovations Supporting UN SDGs Podcast

Episode 3 of the LexisNexis Evolving IP podcast features Chris Harrison, Patent Analytics Manager at the World Intellectual Property Organization. Chris joins us to explore innovation’s role in advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Discover how patent analytics drive collaboration for a sustainable future. 

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What is Qi Technology and Who are the Patent Leaders?

The Qi standard, led by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), has transformed wireless charging. It has been adopted across various devices, from smartphones to furniture and vehicles. 

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How Wiggin LLP Leverages Data Analytics to Become True Advisers to their Clients

Calum Smyth is a Partner at Wiggin LLP focusing on IP technology. With 20 years of experience in Intellectual Property, Calum explains how law firms can become true advisers to their clients by harnessing the latest advances in technology and data analytics.

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Secure Your Competitive Edge: Strategies for IP Portfolio Benchmarking

Without visibility into your competitors’ IPlandscapes, your company is vulnerable. New patent filings or strategic acquisitions could disrupt your business plans overnight. How do you identify threats before it’s too late? In this webinar, we will discuss best practices for building an effective competitive intelligence program that protects your company.

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Going to IPBC? Stay for the Global Standards Leadership Conference

The conference will feature a mix of keynote addresses, panel discussions, and open debates. For those who cannot attend in person, we will have a virtual option.

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