To Mizinga Melu and Absa Bank Zambia PLC I would like to assure you that there is no malice intended in this story. I just feel duty bound to alert the public of the truth you did not really bring out about this story. I feel the public deserves to hear this so I hope you see this in good faith.
And to the rest of you that directly or indirectly related to Mizinga and her team at ABSA, I would like to assure you that I mean no malice; especially on a professional platform like this one.
But the more I tried to keep quiet the more I heard these words in my mind ; "society is not bad because of having too many bad people but too many good people who are quiet about everything"
I had to make the tough choice between keeping quiet and let ABSA Zambia just go on with this whole Tisa Kalemba story as if nothing happened or to open this issue up again. After a certain bank brought an artist who made quite some noise I thought maybe let the sleeping dog lie. But no I have no refused to be quiet and will speak out. So let me tell the side of this story which ABSA should not be allowed to be quiet about.
We saw the headlines everywhere about this young lady from Kapiri Mposhi and how suddenly she was all over pages and websites and some point even prostrating before some people. Many have had the celebrations and then we all kept quiet. The question is should we go quiet just like that when there is a lot the bank did not say? At least in my opinion and by the facts I am about to show you, this story must not be swept under the carpet.
I had to think long and hard and really decide whether I should raise this amount of dust or not. But If we don’t do something now society may lose out a lot. So to Mizinga and your team at ABSA again I am very sorry I have to do this because society needs to see the whole picture beyond what you showed us. Congratulations for what you showed us but there are hidden and very important things which whether fortunately or not I have to expose.
So let us rewind the story. This is the story of Tisa Kalemba, a young woman from Mkushi, who has not only defied the odds but has rewritten her destiny through resilience and determination. Tisa, a part-time maid, took time off from her daily responsibilities to participate in the 2023 Absa Marathon, and the outcome was nothing short of extraordinary.
In a stunning achievement, Tisa Kalemba secured the third position in the fiercely competitive 42-kilometer race, leaving spectators and fellow participants in awe. Her extraordinary performance was more than just a sporting triumph; it opened the doors to a remarkable opportunity.
In an extraordinary turn of events, Tisa Kalemba received a job offer from the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) as a Civilian, a testament to her unwavering spirit and commitment to success. She was pictured alongside ZAF Commander Gen Barry, symbolizing the incredible opportunities that have come her way.
She also received the following from various well wishers whom ABSA conveniently called "destiny helpers" :
In fact, a picture of Tisa rolling on the floor emerged and it was at that point that I resolved that I would tell the public the side of this story that ABSA is not telling everyone.
I acknowledge Lusaka Times and ABSA Zambia platforms as the source of most of this information about the story above. And that gives me impetuous to speak freely and without fear.
Like indicated again, there is no malice intended in this article. So let me now inform the public of what I now know about this story which I think ABSA has not been loud enough about and I wonder why. But since I have now put pen to paper let me tell it all so the public can be informed. I tell you again there is more in such matters than meets the eye.
So here is where I land my hard punches and like I said no hard feelings here; I am just being an advocate of the truth:
2. As if giving that dear woman her prize money for the marathon was not enough, ABSA did something else that I think they also did not tell the whole story or at least the true impact so let me step in and inform the public of some detailed impact of their next move after Tisa won the marathon.
John C. Maxwell once said “one is too small a number to attain significance”.
So Mizinga and team could have just kept Tisa as their “trophy” and parade her around exclusively to ABSA’s credit. But they reached out to others who could come on board to help Tisa. And this is where I am left saying wow! ABSA is not afraid of others shining through a process that was entirely initiated by them. It reminded me of John C. Maxwell saying “it is amazing what we can achieve when no one is focused on taking the credit”
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I know you are almost tired of reading but the second thing ABSA is not telling everyone which I can now let out of the bag is that I am very sure that at ABSA we all win together. If ABSA never reached out to others Tisa would have needed many strokes of luck to have the next meal. But because ABSA allowed others to shine on their platform Tisa now has a job and her future cut out right in front of her.
Mizinga and your team at ABSA Zambia I know you are wondering what this is all about but sorry I had to say it. You have amazed us by how much you put Tisa’s future above the “corporate ego” of ABSA. You demonstrated that if we join you as clients, we will all win together. For those reading this, if you find a bank which can go flat out for one citizen who is not even their client like that, you are not meeting incidental behavior but a culture. ABSA you have won my heart and the hearts of many.
I am not done yet. There is one more thing which might put me in trouble but I have to say it so let us go to number 3.
3. So to the ordinary eye, this was the moment for Tisa. But oh no, this was not for Tisa. To every action, there is the intended and unintended consequence.
Dear ABSA, what you did was sowing seeds of hope in the various people in potentially hopeless situations. Many now have hope for the future and a willingness to try. You reminded many of us that the currency for the next level in life is not always monetary, but it is the willingness to try.
But how would we have heard if you were not willing to share the story with us? And do you know why you made big issue of the story? I think it is because you believe in what you did for her and so were ready to proudly tell the story. But I doubt that a thousand years will tell you the true level of impact that story will have.
So what I realized following that story is that you took a total shift from telling this story for business. You just have a culture to inspire hope even in what is seemingly hopeless. So I just said it. ABSA has a culture to inspire hope.
For those reading this, another thing that I don’t think ABSA is shouting out loud in action and not saying in words is what I just mentioned. Maybe they are being humble about it but trust me I may be right to say even their banking approach is tailored to help find solutions that inspire hope.
So friends I think we should consider joining them because at ABSA you will receive inspiration that will enkindle your hope. I am sure at this stage someone thinks I have been paid. Especially those that know how difficult I am to please because of my demand for excellence. But a thousand times no. I have not been paid. I am just being grateful on behalf of the many that were inspired by this one story.
Sorry I have taken so much of your time but let me just drop one last one. I am sure you can tell I am not yet done. Not even the last one tells it all.
4. So ABSA is not telling us in words but in actions how this whole story reflects the leadership style of Mizinga Melu. If indeed everything rises and falls on leadership, then we certainly need to applaud this exceptional leader who is now an enigma of lifting others.
So what was very touching to me was the deep joy with which she personally carried this story on her pages beyond those of the bank. Clearly it was not a CEO of the bank that organized the marathon talking big of their achievement; but a woman who believes in building bridges for others to go higher in life. Her famous maxim “as we rise”......... came to mind.
In one article you could sense her deep joy in a post she started with the phrase “BUT GOD!”. Mizinga celebrated the story of Tisa not for what it would do to the corporate image of ABSA but for what had happened to Tisa. What a rare value for humanity!
So guys ABSA is not saying it in words but I thought I should say at ABSA you are valued as a person more than they value your money. And because you are valued as a person they will take care of your money as if it was theirs.
So I will end here just because experts are already saying my article is too long. That is just because the impact of that Tisa Kalemba story is not quantifiable.
Allow me now to apologize for alarming some of you by the title of this article. I just wanted you to read and join me in saying thank you to ABSA Zambia. I was riding on the high appetite for controversy in the online space to drive my thank you to ABSA. I hope I never made anyone anxious and really pray that everyone read to the end before making many phone calls to others
Dear Absa Bank Zambia PLC thank you for that 26th August Marathon which became the beginning of a lifetime marathon in a new direction for Tisa and many others who have been inspired by her story. I think my money is headed to ABSA because of this one act.
My name is Choolwe Mudenda Choolwe. I am a Leadership, Strategy and Management Consultant as well as a Pastor. I thank you from the depth of my heart for reading.
Legal Practioner/Lawyer
1yDr Choolwe improve on your writing skills, this story is full of you repeating the same sentences. Have even failed to finish reading because i feel like am reading in circles.
Sales management and Marketing , Warehouse management: inventory ,stock and supply chain.
1yThat's not a good way of attracting traffic on social media. In the introductory part of your article you sounded like you have facts or evidence of how ABSA team did something wrong with distribution of the Donations for Tisa kalemba.You even mentioned some of them personally. You have succeeded in hooking our attention but be mindful of Characters that you mention repeatedly as if you are disclosing there negative deeds pertaining to Tisa.In the next article try as much as you can to clarify you stance from introduction to summary. This will help you to retain your followers as well.
President Zambia USA Business Network Council President Stephen Banda Holdings LLC Stephen Banda AutoMall President Zambia USA Chamber of Commerce
Procurement & Supply Chain Management | Project Management| Public Private Partnership Enthusiast
1yI thought your account was hacked?…this writeup is too repetitive….It gave me a headache and anguish I don’t know why, as I was reading through.
Human Resource and Customer Service Consultant, Academician and Researcher. Fellow ZIHRM, Fellow CICM, Full Member Institute of Directors Zambia
1yOh my Doc Choolwe just saw this post today and my stomach dropped...well I was forced to read till the end and a great lesson learnt "do not judge a book by its cover" neither by its "title". I am indeed proud of Mizinga Melu and ABSA Bank for the great works and indeed I am a happy camper