What is Bioconductor in R ?
Bioconductor promotes collaboration and community contribution, with researchers and developers actively participating in the development and maintenance of packages.
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
3. Check Bioconductor version
4. use BiocManager::install() to install specific packages e.g.
BiocManager::install(c("GenomicFeatures", "AnnotationDbi"))
5. Load Libraries using library()
6. Display Information about the current R session
7. Check for package updates
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Bioconductor VS Bioperl
Programming Language:
Scope and Focus:
Ease of Use:
Integration with Other Tools:
Major Bioconductor Packages
Example Using Zika Virus Dataset
# Install and load the Biostrings package
# Provide the path to the file
file_path <- "F:\\zika.txt"
# Read the file
zika_sequence <- readDNAStringSet(file_path)
# Check the length of the sequence
sequence_length <- width(zika_sequence)
cat("Sequence Length:", sequence_length, "\n")
#--- output --- : Sequence Length: 10794
# Retrieve the first 50 characters of the sequence (if available)
if (sequence_length >= 50) {
first_50_chars <- as.character(zika_sequence)[1:50]
cat("First 50 Characters:", first_50_chars, "\n")
} else if (sequence_length > 0) {
first_50_chars <- as.character(zika_sequence)[1:sequence_length]
cat("First", sequence_length, "Characters:", first_50_chars, "\n")
} else {
cat("No sequence data available.\n")
#--- output --- : First 50 Characters:AGTTGTTGATCTGTGTGAGTCAGACTGCGACA----
# Count the number of occurrences of a specific subsequence
subsequence <- DNAString("AGTT")
subsequence_count <- vcountPattern(subsequence, zika_sequence)
cat("Subsequence Count:", subsequence_count, "\n")
#--- output --- : Subsequence Count: 34
# DNA single string
dna_seq <- DNAString("ATGATCTCGTAA")
print("DNA sequence:")
--- output --- :
DNA sequence:
12-letter DNAString object
# Transcription DNA to RNA string
rna_seq <- RNAString(dna_seq)
print("RNA sequence:")
--- output --- :
RNA sequence:
12-letter RNAString object
# Translation RNA to amino acids
print("Translation RNA to amino acids:")
aa_seq <- translate(rna_seq)
--- output --- :
Translation RNA to amino acids:
4-letter AAString object
seq: MIS*
# Shortcut translate DNA to amino acids
print("Shortcut translate DNA to amino acids:")
aa_seq_shortcut <- translate(dna_seq)
--- output --- :
Shortcut translate DNA to amino acids:
4-letter AAString object
seq: MIS*
# Read the dataset from the file
dataset <- readLines(file_path)
# Combine the lines into a single string
dataset <- paste(dataset, collapse = "")
# Define the pattern
pattern <- "GGG"
# Calculate the frequency of the pattern within the dataset
pattern_count <- sum(gregexpr(pattern, dataset, fixed = TRUE)[[1]] > 0)
# Print the pattern count
#--- output --- : 171
In conclusion, Bioconductor is a powerful and widely used software project in R that provides a comprehensive collection of packages and resources for analyzing genomic data. It offers a range of tools and algorithms for tasks such as quality control, preprocessing, differential expression analysis, pathway analysis, and visualization. Bioconductor stands out for its extensive package ecosystem, with specialized functionality covering various areas of genomics.
Software Engineer @ODION GmbH
1yVery informative
Master's in Educational leadership studies in Memorial University,Head of Science,Biology teacher&School Principal at Princess Language School .General Author of (Science Adventures) book series
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