What do we all need help with this year: Coaching Trends
My thoughts on the some #coaching trends Forbes identified from 2022 that will carry on in 2023...
1. Adapting To and Being Coached in The Metaverse
Nope. Not yet at scale. Maybe it's my age (cheeky big number coming in on Feb 28th). Im not saying I won't #coach in the metaverse if somebody wants to pay me in the next few years... but I'm happy with Zoom and in real life at the moment and my clients are too.
2. Personal And Business Branding
Totally. This is so important and comes up all the time.
Make yourself more memorable, get involved outside of the day to day, be part of your companies culture, post a bit, like a bit, share, live your values, demonstrate the company values.
Write yourself a PR plan. Let me help you.
3. Being Authentic
Love. Yes. Bleeds from your values.
Know them, live to them, play up to them, find a place to work or someone to work for that values them.
4. Preventing And Recovering From #burnout
Unfortunately yes.
People put blood, sweat and tears, literally, into their jobs.
That and the blurring on working from home which has led to longer hours means the integration of work and life can be a challenge, especially if you are a people pleaser.
Little video I did on the subject a few years ago when COVID and Trump was a thing:
Look out for the signs, address it before it is an issue.
5. Promoting True Mindfulness Techniques
Yes. Might sound a bit woo woo to some people...but that's their imposter in their head speaking.
Breathing helps. I used to breathe in for four seconds, hold, then out for four seconds before big presentations.
You can do this when answering a tricky question too....."hmmm, great question (breath in)....yes (hold).....let me think about that for a bit (whilst breathing out)...."
Maybe you could try that.
I am about to start journalling again. This reflection really helps.
Do what's good for you. Mediate. Walk etc. I've started swimming and love that..so mindful and focused.
Find your zen moments.
6. Digital Executive Coaching.
Yes. Prior to COVID I wanted to do it all in person. But, phone is amazing, whilst walking, in person or over video conf. All works brilliantly and I coach people in LA...Singapore....Sweden.....Middlesborough....all the sexy places. :)
Corporate clients buy days from me and carve it up to coach whole teams, SLTs, grad programme people. All works a treat.
Recommended by LinkedIn
7. Immersive Virtual #coaching .
Will take time. AI will have a part to play in my industry and others. Good questioning apps will have a part to play but can they listen......reflect.....care.......have kindness.....pull out real world anecdotes...in time yes, but I'll be retired by then. Moving on.......!!!
8. Linking leadership coaching to journalling.
As mentioned above.....yes. Journalling works. Personal or business. I set homework sometimes for people to note down when they feel triggered....annoyed...happy.
Mo Farah journals the good days and repeats what he did on those vs trying to change what happened on the bad days. Listen to the Chris Evans Podcast with him for more on that.
9. Focus on culture and engagement.
Yes, yes, yes.
Building culture. Nourishing it. Making it part of the every day and ahead.
Leadership feeding in. Building it bottom up.
All great. Do it!
10. Leaving a Legacy.
Love this. We should all be hiring people and empowering them with the thought they will replace us. That would be one legacy. If not replace us, that they will do the best bloody tour of duty (google this "tour of duty" article on Harvard Business Review ) whilst working for us and then exit with grace and thanks.
What would you like someone to say about you after you left?
How would you want someone to describe you?
On you deathbed.......what will you wish you had done more of? Do that now.
11. ........this is my own one. #impostersyndrome
If there is one learning from me it is that 99% of people have it.
We are all on the scale. Some it cripples them...others just now and then.
Little video here on some thoughts about it and how to help:
I am a full time personal and executive coach. I have coached on a day rate retainer for companies such as TikTok , dentsu , WPP and Aros Architects .
I work with personal clients direct helping them to be more successful, hit KPIs, but most importantly to be more confident and happier.
I like to laugh and have fun in my sessions, if that is appropriate of course. I want you to the be the best you can be and enjoy life and work.
I have had six amazing coaches in my life. They all made a difference.
Let me know if I can help you.
Content, Communications & Connections specialist with 20+ years B2C & B2B Marketing experience
1yDo you use any specific tools for journaling as it's something I'd like to start again this year? I've looked at The 5 Minute Journal and Bullet Journal but am not totally convinced. Feel like I want a physical book though, with a flexible framework I can use easily and adapt where required. Would love to hear more about your experiences.