What happens when you Screw the Rules
You go from cynic to believer
From stuck to excited
From playing by the rules to living life your way
From your 9-5 to turning your calling into a business and life you wouldn’t trade for anything.
This was prompted by a client call yesterday morning.
Right now he’s about to create his dream business.
6 weeks ago he doubted it was possible. He had no idea what or how he’d do it
Too comfortable in his conventional success.
But something inside of him wanted more. To discover what he’s born to do and use it to help and serve others.
Halfway through Screw the Rules (he is one of 2 pilot clients) and he’s ready to build, launch and thrive.
That’s why I’m so excited about my Screw the Rules private 1:1 container.
I’ve stripped it all back to what works best
What gets the best results and what propels clients beyond what they thought possible.
These 2 clients are at the same point as previous clients took 6 months to get to.
We’re not joking around in Screw the Rules.
It’s time for you to join.
3 months 1:1 with me.
We’ll discover your calling and turn it into a business and life you wouldn’t trade for anything
You’ll be doing what you’re born to do, making money as a by-product and living the exact life you want!
Message me to find out more or to chat to see if it’s right for you