What I learned analyzing the famous Titanic dataset
As I approach my last month of grad school, I got myself reminiscing about the classes I enjoyed the most during my journey in higher education. If you know me, you know that I am very curious about how things work, I like to solve problems, and always have a scientific thought when approaching day-to-day tasks. In summary, I'm always looking for efficient ways to get things done. During my college journey I fell in love with Data Science for those same reasons. I find very interesting and exciting to understand and analyze actual phenomena by using scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data.
Last week I came across this Kaggle dataset that has a reputation for being very famous in the Data Science community. School has been really busy lately, as you can imagine with the current pandemic, and it's been a few months since the last time I tackled a Data Science project. I thought this would be a great opportunity to expand my machine learning knowledge as I decided to dive deep into this dataset as a way to refresh my problem-solving and analytical skills, learn new things along the way, and have some fun!
Disclaimer: most of my project was written based on many articles and Kaggle datasets. You may find all the sources used in this project at the end of this article.
Here's a link to the official Kaggle page; Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster
Without further ado, here's what I learned analyzing the famous Titanic dataset.
The Challenge
Titanic is one of the most infamous shipwrecks in history. On April 15, 1912, during her maiden voyage, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg, killing 1502 out of 2224 passengers and crew. This sensational tragedy shocked the international community and led to better safety regulations for ships.
While there was some element of luck involved in surviving, it seems some groups of people were more likely to survive than others.
In this challenge, we ask you to build a predictive model that answers the question: “what sorts of people were more likely to survive?” using passenger data (i.e. name, age, gender, socio-economic class, etc).
The predictive analytics process
- Problem understanding and definition: understand the problem and how the potential solution would look. Also, define the requirements for solving the problem
- Data collection and preparation: get a dataset that is ready for analysis
- Data understanding using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): understand your dataset
- Feature Engineering and Data Processing: process of using raw data to create features that will be used for predictive modeling.
- Model building: produce some predictive models that solve the problem
- Model evaluation: choose the best model among a subset of the most promising ones and determine how good the model is in providing the solution
- Communication and/or deployment: use the predictive model and its results
Note: this is a summarized version of my project. You can find the entire project report, dataset, and the jupyter notebook on my GitHub page following the link github.com/murilogustineli
1. Problem understanding and definition
In this challenge, we need to complete the analysis of what sorts of people were most likely to survive. In particular, we apply the tools of machine learning to predict which passengers survived the tragedy.
- Predict whether passenger will survive or not (I know, it has a morbid connotation).
2. Data collection and preparation
Loading the data files
Here we import the data. For this analysis, we will be exclusively working with the Training set. We will be validating based on data from the training set as well. For our final submissions, we will make predictions based on the test set.
Data Description
The data has been split into two groups:
- training set (train.csv)
- test set (test.csv)
The training set includes passengers survival status (also know as the ground truth from the titanic tragedy) which along with other features like gender, class, fare and pclass (passenger class) is used to create the machine learning model.
The test set should be used to see how well the model performs on unseen data. The test set does not provide passengers survival status. We are going to use our model to predict passenger survival status.
This is clearly a Classification problem. In predictive analytics, when the target is a categorical variable, we are in a category of tasks known as classification tasks.
3. Data understanding using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Exploratory Data Analysis refers to the critical process of performing initial investigations on data so as to discover patterns, to spot anomalies, to test hypothesis and to check assumptions with the help of summary statistics and graphical representations [1].
In summary, it's an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with visual methods.
The training-set has 891 rows and 11 features + the target variable (survived). 2 of the features are floats, 5 are integers and 5 are objects.
Conclusions from .describe() method
.describe() gives an understanding of the central tendencies of the numeric data.
- Above we can see that 38% out of the training-set survived the Titanic.
- We can also see that the passenger age range from 0.4 to 80 years old.
- We can already detect some features that contain missing values, like the ‘Age’ feature (714 out of 891 total).
- There's an outlier for the 'Fare' price because of the differences between the 75th percentile, standard deviation, and the max value (512). We might want to drop that value.
Exploring missing data
The 'Embarked' feature has only 2 missing values, which can easily be filled or dropped. It will be much more tricky to deal with the ‘Age’ feature, which has 177 missing values. The ‘Cabin’ feature needs further investigation, but it looks like that we might want to drop it from the dataset since 77% is missing.
The Captain went down with the ship
"The captain goes down with the ship" is a maritime tradition that a sea captain holds ultimate responsibility for both his/her ship and everyone embarked on it, and that in an emergency, he/she will either save them or die trying.
In this case, Captain Edward Gifford Crosby went down with Titanic in a heroic gesture trying to save the passengers.
Distribution of Pclass and Survived
As previously mentioned, women are much more likely to survive than men. 74% of the women survived, while only 18% of men survived.
Looking deeper into differences between females and males statistics
We are grouping passengers based on Sex and Ticket class (Pclass). Notice the difference between survival rates between men and women.
Women are much more likely to survive than men, specially women in the first and second class. It also shows that men in the first class are almost 3-times more likely to survive than men in the third class.
Age and Sex distributions
We can see that men have a higher probability of survival when they are between 18 and 35 years old. For women, the survival chances are higher between 15 and 40 years old.
For men the probability of survival is very low between the ages of 5 and 18, and after 35, but that isn’t true for women. Another thing to note is that infants have a higher probability of survival.
Saving children first
Children below 18 years of age have higher chances of surviving.
Passenger class distribution; Survived vs Non-Survived
The graphs above clearly shows that economic status (Pclass) played an important role regarding the potential survival of the Titanic passengers. First class passengers had a much higher chance of survival than passengers in the 3rd class. We note that:
- 63% of the 1st class passengers survived the Titanic wreck
- 48% of the 2nd class passenger survived
- Only 24% of the 3rd class passengers survived
Correlation Matrix and Heatmap
We notice from the heatmap above that:
- Parents and sibling like to travel together (light blue squares)
- Age has a high negative correlation with number of siblings
4. Feature Engineering and Data Processing
Drop 'PassengerId'
First, I will drop ‘PassengerId’ from the train set, because it does not contribute to a persons' survival probability.
Combining SibSp and Parch
SibSp and Parch would make more sense as a combined feature that shows the total number of relatives a person has on the Titanic. I will create the new feature 'relative' below, and also a value that shows if someone is not alone.
Missing Data
As a reminder, we have to deal with Cabin (687 missing values), Embarked (2 missing values) and Age (177 missing values).
I first thought about dropping the ‘Cabin’ variable, but then I found this article [2] and thought about replicating its approach.
A cabin number that looks like ‘C123’ is on the 'C' deck of the ship. The letters refers to the deck number. Thus, we can extract these variables and create a new feature called 'Deck' that represents the deck of the cabin. Moreover, we will convert the feature into a numeric variable. The missing values will be converted to zero.
In the picture below you can see the actual decks of the titanic, ranging from A to G.
As seen previously on "Exploring missing data", there are a lot of missing 'Age' values (177 data points). We can normalize the 'Age' feature by creating an array that contains random numbers, which are computed based on the mean age value in regards to the standard deviation and is_null.
Since the Embarked feature has only 2 missing values, we will fill these with the most common one.
We notice the most popular embark location is Southampton (S).
Converting Features
We can see that 'Fare' is a float data-type. Also, we need to deal with 4 categorical features: Name, Sex, Ticket, and Embarked
**I won't dive too deep in this article on how I converted these features. Please refer to my jupyter notebook for further reference**
After converting the features, we get a DataFrame that looks like this:
Creating new Categories
All the features have been successfully converted to numeric values. Notice that 'Age' and 'Fare' are still the default values. Let's group these features together and create new categories. (Refer to jupyter notebook on how I created the categories).
5. Model building
I will be using some of the 7 most popular Machine Learning models in Data Science. I won't dive too deep on specific characteristics of each one of the models. The models are:
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Logistic Regression
- Gaussian Naive Bayes
- Perceptron
6. Model evaluation
Which one is the best model?
The Random Forest classifier goes on top of the Machine Learning models, followed by Decision Tree and KNN respectfully. Now we need to check how the Random Forest performs by using cross validation.
K-Fold Cross Validation
K-Fold Cross Validation randomly splits the training data into K subsets called folds. Image we split our data into 4 folds (K = 4). The random forest model would be trained and validated 4 times, using a different fold for validation every time, while it would be trained on the remaining 3 folds [2].
The image below shows the process, using 4 folds (K = 4). Every row represents one training + validation process. In the first row, the model is trained on the second, third and fourth subsets and validated on the first subset. In the second row, the model is trained on the first, third and fourth subsets and validated on the second subset. K-Fold Cross Validation repeats this process until every fold acted once as an evaluation fold [2].
The result of our K-Fold Cross Validation example would be an array that contains 4 different scores. We then need to compute the mean and the standard deviation for these scores.
The code below perform K-Fold Cross Validation on our random forest model, using 10 folds (K = 10). Therefore it outputs an array with 10 different scores [2].
This looks much more realistic than before. The Random Forest classifier model has an average accuracy of 81% with a standard deviation of 4.2%. The standard deviation tell us how precise the estimates are.
- This means the accuracy of our model can differ ± 4.2%
What is Random Forest?
Random Forest is a supervised learning algorithm. It works by building multiple decision trees and merging them together to get a more accurate and stable prediction.
One big advantage of random forest is, that it can be used for both classification and regression problems, which form the majority of current machine learning systems. With a few exceptions a random-forest classifier has all the hyperparameters of a decision-tree classifier and also all the hyperparameters of a bagging classifier, to control the ensemble itself.
The picture below represents how a Random Forest classifier would look like with two trees.
Feature importance
Another great quality of Random Forest is how easy it is to measure the relative importance of each feature. Sklearn is able to measure the importance of a features by looking at how much the tree nodes that are used by that particular feature reduce impurity on average across all trees in the forest. It computes this score automatically for each feature after training, and scales the results so that the sum of all importances is equal to 1 [2].
'not_alone' and 'Parch' don't play a significant role in the Random Forest classifiers prediction process. Thus, I will drop them from the DataFrame and train the classifier once again. We could also remove more features, however, this would inquire more investigations of the feature's effect on our model.
Training the Random Forest classifier once again
Feature importance without 'not_alone' and 'Parch' features
The Random Forest model predicts as good as it did before. A general rule is that, the more features you have, the more likely your model will suffer from overfitting and vice versa.
Moreover, there is another way to validate the Random Forest classifier, which is as accurate as the score used before. We can use something called Out of Bag (OOB) score to estimate the generalization accuracy. Basically, the OOB score is computed as the number of correctly predicted rows from the out of the bag sample.
Hyperparameter Tuning
As Wikipedia describes, In machine learning, hyperparameter optimization or tuning is the problem of choosing a set of optimal hyperparameters for a learning algorithm. A hyperparameter is a parameter whose value is used to control the learning process. By contrast, the values of other parameters (typically node weights) are learned [6].
Testing new parameters
Confusion Matrix
A confusion matrix produces an idea of how accurate the model is.
The first row is about the not-survived-predictions: 494 passengers were correctly classified as not survived (called true negatives) and 55 where wrongly classified as not survived (false positives).
The second row is about the survived-predictions: 98 passengers where wrongly classified as survived (false negatives) and 244 where correctly classified as survived (true positives).
Precision and Recall
Our model predicts correctly that a passenger survived 81% of the time (precision). The recall tells us that 71% of the passengers tested actually survived.
It is possible to combine precision and recall into one score, which is called the F-score. The F-score is computed with the harmonic mean of precision and recall. Note that it assigns more weight to low values. As a result, the classifier will only get a high F-score if both recall and precision are high.
There we have it, a 76% F-score. The score is not high because we have a recall of 71%. Unfortunately, the F-score is not perfect, because it favors classifiers that have a similar precision and recall. This can be a problem because often times we are searching for a high precision and other times a high recall. An increase of precision can result in a decrease of recall, and vice versa (depending on the threshold). This is called the precision/recall trade-off.
Precision Recall Curve
For each person the Random Forest algorithm has to classify, it computes a probability based on a function and it classifies the person as survived (when the score is bigger the than threshold) or as not survived (when the score is smaller than the threshold). That’s why the threshold plays an important part in this process.
We can see in the graph above that the recall is falling of rapidly when the precision reaches around 85%. Thus, we may want to select the precision/recall trade-off before this point (maybe at around 75%).
Now we are able to choose a threshold, that gives the best precision/recall trade-off for the current problem. For example, if a precision of 80% is required, we can easily look at the plot and identify the threshold needed, which is around 0.4. Then we could train the model with exactly that threshold and expect the desired accuracy.
Another way is to plot the precision and recall against each other:
Another way to evaluate and compare binary classifiers is the ROC AUC Curve. This curve plots the true positive rate (also called recall) against the false positive rate (ratio of incorrectly classified negative instances), instead of plotting the precision versus the recall values.
The red line represents a purely random classifier (e.g. a coin flip). Thus, the classifier should be as far away from it as possible. The Random Forest model looks good.
The ROC AUC Score is the corresponding score to the ROC AUC Curve. It is simply computed by measuring the area under the curve, which is called AUC.
A classifier that is 100% correct would have a ROC AUC Score of 1, and a completely random classifier would have a score of 0.5.
We got a 93% ROC AUC Score.
7. Communication and/or deployment
I started this project by doing some exploratory data analysis (EDA), using seaborn and matplotlib libraries to create visualizations, check missing data, learn which features are important, and understand better the dataset. During feature engineering and data processing, I computed missing values, converted features into numeric ones, grouped values into categories, and created new features (for more information refer to the jupyter notebook). Afterwards, I trained 7 different machine learning models, picked the best one (Random Forest), and applied cross validation on the model. Then, I discussed how Random Forest works, identified which features assign the most importance, and tuned its performance through hyperparameter optimization. Lastly, I looked at Confusion Matrix and computed the models precision, recall, F-score, and predicting with 93% accuracy using the ROC AUC Score.
I'm really glad I got to do another Data Science project as I learned valuable concepts that can be transferable to other projects. It significantly deepened my machine learning knowledge and strengthened my problem-solving and analytical skills, as well as applying concepts learned from textbooks, articles, classroom, and various other sources, on a challenging problem. Looking forward to keep learning new things and tacking new projects in my Data Science journey!
1. Hands-On Predictive Analytics with Python by Alvaro Fuentes
2. Predicting the Survival of Titanic Passengers
3. Titanic Project Example
4. Best Titanic Survival Prediction for Beginners
5. A Data Science Framework: To Achieve 99% Accuracy
6. Hyperparameter optimization
7. Beginner Kaggle Data Science Project Walk-Through (Titanic)
Bridging the gap between Research and Production in Computer Vision.
3yYou put in so much effort curating that. Well done.
Sr. Analytics Engineer @ PedidosYa
3yVery interesting, nice written and well structured work! Congrats! 👏👏👏
@Vegas Director of Digital Content | 1B+ Organic Impressions | Curious Social Media & Creative Innovator
4yGreat work!
Strategic Finance @FitXR | Investor | Ex-VC, PE and Investment Banking | Curiosity is my superpower ✨
4yVery interesting and comprehensive exercise. I admire your dedication!