What I Learned from Coaching Differently-abled Athletes

What I Learned from Coaching Differently-abled Athletes

One of the highlights of my year is organizing and participating in an event that occurred this past weekend, May 22nd at the Tampa Movement Lab. This event promotes inclusion and ability for the differently-abled in our community. On Saturday, May 22nd, the “Champions for Change” event sponsored by the Tampa nonprofit 21&Change, welcomed citizens, sports professionals, educators, and student-athletes of all abilities to gather and compete in athletic challenges to celebrate their personal best. The event provided the youth of all abilities a chance to compete. Each differently-abled athlete was paired with typical-abled children and a coach.

The event brings together differently-abled children and young adults, their parents/guardians, service providers, community leaders, and local businesses to witness the abilities and capabilities of those who have developmental disabilities.

Participants enjoyed a series of fun, physical exercises, and team-based events to demonstrate ability and build confidence in each person and the team. Teams consisted of both typical and differently-abled participants, each with a coach/trainer. The event concluded with trophies and medals for participants. Seeing the joy and sense of accomplishment in participants as they accepted their medals before a cheering crowd is an unforgettable experience. 

I can attest that athletics was a major part of my childhood and an anchor during difficult times. Competing at a high level in soccer as a teen and winning 4th in the Nation my senior year, led to my scholarship to West Point Academy where I went on to play D1 Soccer at USMA. Eventually serving as a Captain. 

Later, my post-military life has included working as a professional coach and trainer where I witnessed my client’s positive mental and physical transformation as they achieved their personal best. Today as a wife, mom, and business professional, athletics remains a constant to combat stress, promote wellbeing and keep me centered. 

I know that supporting opportunities for differently-abled and typically-abled youth to enjoy recreation and fitness is important especially when done with a commitment to inclusion. Each of us has the power to promote inclusion. When a coach calls out a bully, a fellow student supports a disenfranchised teammate or, when an adult refuses to stand by when children are excluded, inclusion is supported.

When we advocate for inclusion of differently-abled youth in physical activities and sports, we give young people the chance to become inspired and to understand and appreciate each other’s differences.  

I can testify that kids with special needs have taught me more about the human spirit, perseverance, and smiling in the face of adversity than I ever imagined. 

Visit the links below to learn more and consider volunteering at the next annual Champions for Change Event! 

PS- If athletics was an important part of your childhood, please leave a comment and share how participation impacted you. 

 Champions for Change event gives everyone chance to compete (baynews9.com)


19 Sports Programs and Leagues for Kids with Disabilities | Inclusive | National List | A Day In Our Shoes

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Peter Stark

General Partner and Fund Manager at Battle Monument Group


Fantastic, Sunny!!

Diana Homan

Owner at DK Event Planning, Event Management & Consulting | Account Executive Seeking career growth opportunities in freelance, contract, consulting and corporate roles


Love this!!! 🤩❤️

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