What is (Industrial) Leak Testing?
Leak testing or performing a leak test is a form of non-destructive quality control in a production process. During a leak test, a single component or assembly is tested to determine if it falls within a specified leak limit. Leak testing can be achieved using various detection methods. Leak testing today is used in many applications ranging from heavy industrial requirements like those found on oil platforms, to the most demanding applications in the medical, science, and space-related fields. While at first glance many applications look simple, at a deeper level they can be more complex in nature, requiring different test modes or perhaps product redesigns when, from a physical standpoint, they do not allow the required test method.
Currently, there is a global consciousness of the importance of the environment and a concerted effort to reduce our impact on future generations. Because of that, many products must meet stringent specifications and international standards. Leak testing plays an important part in achieving that, but since it involves an additional step in the production process, ultimately it adds cost. As W. Edwards Deming once said “Defects are not free. Somebody makes them, and gets paid for making them.” With a proper defect root cause analysis procedure, leak testing can be an essential element of the Quality Improvement Process. Done correctly leak testing should phase itself out, yet it is required to verify that products meet the design specifications.
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As a manufacturer, when implementing leak testing in a production process it is critical to define the correct test method that allows for the right ratio between equipment cost, productivity, and quality. As mentioned previously, leak testing can be complex in nature so strong consideration should be given to working with an external leak testing (consulting) partner. Ideally already involve them during the prototype stages of your product development program to assure that the product will meet the specific leak testing requirements when it goes into mass-production. While manufactures may have similar products and applications, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions in leak testing. That is where knowledge and experience are critical.
Crewed Launch Vehicle NDE Lead
10moWe're seeking your input in tackling the challenge of detecting slow, non-turbulent 5 mL/min air leaks through spacecraft seals or cracks, aiming for internal detection with a precision of 15 cm. Your expertise and suggestions on these considerations or any novel leak detection strategies are highly valued as we navigate this complex issue.
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2yYou hit the nail on the head with your article and the recommendation that comes with it. Very good!
Director at Gavade Institute of Nondestructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
2yLeak Testing is emerging area