What Is The Intent Of Neoliberalism In Education?
Before we think about answering that question, we have to realize that living in a technologically advanced country, we are the products of the age of enlightenment, the application of the scientific method to attain greater knowledge. The scientific method in turn can only be attained by critical thinking, making a hypothesis and then seeing if the data testing that hypothesis validates it. It is this method of analysis (thinking) that can and should be applied to any problems that arise to reach the most effective solutions be they scientific, social or economic, the last two often being closely related. To emphasize the pre-enlightment alternative was one where some form of divine source of knowledge was handed down from above to be accepted without challenge. To challenge this divine source was to put one’s life in jeopardy as Galileo experienced when he concluded and publicly stated that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the other way around.
Such was the power of the sources of divine knowledge that it took centuries before the Age of Enlightenment became dominant. With the Age of Enlightenment also came an appreciation for the rights of man, the innate value of each human being that led to forms of government that took into account their significance, that societies were to be so constructed to improve the lot of the common man. The Age of Enlightment and the rights of man have been the basis for our material advancement and the creation of a public commons that is attentive to the trial and tribulations of the citizenry.
These same two factors also produced a capitalist class that started small with a great deal of competition that through the past few centuries produced winners that accumulated vast financial resources that were then able to purchase an outsized amount of political power that further reinforced their already privileged positions. That is a condition that is present today where there is an extreme concentration of wealth and power in the hands of an elite that represent a minuscule portion of the population. While these elite are more than happy with the scientific method that leads to new product that they can sell for ever increasing profits, they want all those profits going to themselves while having the political power to reduce their taxes, remove regulations that increase their overhead and reduce any funding that is directed to the public commons so their taxes can be reduced even further.
Now all the elite know exactly what their agenda is all about, but it does them no good if the vast majority of the population that is not sharing in the bounty were to become wise to that agenda. So, the goal is to keep the general population ignorant of their agenda that leads to the following steps to obscure their goals:
. Create an educational environment that emphasizes individual responsibility for what befalls an individual in the general population. If a person loses his/her job because it was transferred overseas to be performed by workers at a fraction of the rate of compensation the American worker received that is simply a product of the marketplace, that is a natural law and cannot be interfered with lest it cause distortions to the natural process. In short, the individual then sinks or swims based on his own initiative without any consideration of the factors that led to his or her loss of employment. So, it behooves the elite that are creating these conditions to emphasize individual responsibility and literally ignore the causes, that they are simply the result of the blessed marketplace that cannot be challenged.
. Given the precarity of the workers who may lose their job because their labor may be transferred overseas, the elite now have a more docile workforce that is intimidated to accept lower wages increasing their profits.
. To counter the intimidation factor, redirect those who may have lost their jobs or are in danger of losing them to external factors that have nothing to do with their plight such as immigrants entering our country, minorities who would supplant them, people who are not white and Christian and are seen as foreigners or “the other”.
. Vilify anyone challenging the neoliberal definition of the market, calling them socialists or communists pejorative terms that offer no substantive explanation of what that really means beyond just using it to create an emotional response.
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. Repeat in as many forums as possible the irrelevance of any public commons where a community of mutual help had previously existed and had been funded by a government that was not yet enraptured by the neoliberal concept of the market place.
. Expand the carceral state to remove from society those elements of the population that are most afflicted by the neoliberal economy and as a warning to dissidents to watch their step. Legislation has already passed in several states that have made peaceful protests a criminal activity that calls for incarceration.
. In higher education, remove from the curriculum those courses that taught morals and the elements necessary for a democratic society and replace it with instrumentalism that provides the skills that corporations need while omitting any critical thinking that would lead to independent insights that challenge the neoliberal economy.
. Equate the so-called free market with democracy. The fact is that the neoliberal free market works better in an authoritarian state and has nothing to do with democracy. When you think neoliberal marketplace and neoliberal education relate it to corporate influence, a form of squid-like penetration that is continuously seeking to extend its influence.
Is what I am describing really happening? After all, I imagine most reading this post are well educated, have positions where we are making a reasonable income and have some sense of economic security and are not seeing any ambitions we may have for the future being thwarted. That may, indeed, be true for us, but we should be aware of the fact that this nation, the wealthiest on the face of the earth has a large underclass that has virtually no opportunity to escape their conditions that have become harsher over the years and has led to an imprisoned population that is the largest in the world in absolute terms. Racial bias is evident in the more frequent and longer prison times given to those who are caught with crack than those caught with cocaine. To perpetuate these conditions, the neoliberal economy has seen a tremendous growth in private prisons for profit creating incentives for the judicial system, law enforcement agencies and even educational schools to produce a stream of inmates that keep the profits flowing for those facilities.
There was a time, the progressive period at the beginning of the twentieth century when there was an emphasis on rehabilitation rather than incarceration as an end goal in itself. That meant opportunity for those released to attain an income that would let the former inmate survive with at least a shred of dignity. With reduced taxes on the wealthy and the reduction in public funding the resources that were formerly there are not as available. Our present neoliberal driven marketplace has determined that these people, not being effective consumers have no value and are for all intents and purposes to be abandoned in the most economical way. This is inhumane and perhaps because being almost 80 years old I remember a period of time where this form of behavior would have been considered intolerable, I have to believe that we must fight the greed of the elite that is behind the entire neoliberal dynamic and use the critical thinking we possess to cast light on what we are losing as a society and to take steps to reclaim the humanity that is inseparable from the Age of Enlightenment and the rights of man.
Regards, Barry
Chair & Program Director, Endodontics
1yIf you can sell products, that’s your agenda.
Chair & Program Director, Endodontics
1yIs there no limit to what you will post in order to sell more products? Hypothesis testing regarding the debridement of oval canals? Done. And your claims have been rejected as false.