What makes habits durable?

What makes habits durable?

Today, we uncover what makes good habits durable.

  1. How do we know what sticky habits feel like?
  2. Why do bad habits keep coming back?
  3. Tiny habits hack to get back on track

Sticky habits work on autopilot

Source: Giphy

A habit is hard-wired into our life when our body and brain execute it on auto-pilot. It’s like when we take the same route to work every morning without even knowing we took that particular route. Or when we brush our teeth or reach for that morning cup of tea without thinking about it.

When our muscle memory and unconscious brain take over, it’s good because then we don’t get a chance to get lazy or reassess what we are doing. The minute we start consciously thinking about whether to do something tough or not, we invariably ‘decide’ against it. We tell ourselves it’s too cold, we don’t have enough time, or we will ‘do it tomorrow’.

I remember when I started missing my 7 AM workouts, my trainer used to tell me to “just get to the gym without thinking about it.” If I allowed my brain even a nanosecond to ‘think’ about getting out of bed on a chilly Delhi winter morning, I never made it to the gym.

Bad habits keep coming back

Bad habits keep coming back because of three reasons.

1. They fulfill underlying needs

We can abandon habits but not our needs. Bad habits are just mechanisms we adopt to fulfill our needs. For example, if we crave deep friendships, we may fill the boredom with junk food or binge-watching TV. Tony Robbins talks about six fundamental human needs. Each of these is easier to fulfill with bad habits:

  1. Certainty — The need to be safe, secure, and stable. We won't care about healthy long-term habits if we do not feel stable and secure. If I knew I would die next week, I would not touch a morsel of healthy food!
  2. Variety — The need for change and excitement. This is where social media and Netflix addiction come in.
  3. Significance — The need for achievement and importance. We want to feel like we matter. Trolling folks on Twitter (X) makes us feel important and superior.
  4. Connection & Love — The need for human affection and friendship. We choose social media likes, shares, and followers instead of forging deep, meaningful friendships that take time to build.
  5. Growth — The need to become better, faster, stronger, and more intelligent. We may think we are growing and learning if we are doing better than our colleagues, when in fact, the only good habit we need to nurture is to compete against how good we were the day before.
  6. Spirituality — The need to feel like our life has purpose and meaning. We obsessively chase promotions and pats on the back at work.

Oftentimes, we replace a bad habit with yet another. A chain smoker might be able to give up smoking but might start binge eating instead. A better idea is to substitute a bad habit with a good one that meets the same underlying need. A smoker could replace the high from smoking with the adrenaline rush of three quick burpees.

2. We fail to manage our environment

Our environment contributes to our habits. We can set it up to enable good or bad habits that fulfill our underlying needs.

The famous rat park experiment is a great example of this. A population of rats was split into two groups. Rats in the first group were isolated in individual cages, with zero social contact and no toys. The second group was in a “Disneyland for rats”-lots of food, toys, and other rats to socialize with.

Both groups had two water dispensers - one with pure water and one with heroin-laced water.

The basic needs of the isolated rats were not met, so they quickly got addicted to the heroin water. The rats in the ‘Disney park’ preferred pure water!

The experiment did not end here. When some of the isolated rats were moved to the ‘Disney Park,’ after some time, they started preferring pure water too.

3. We fall victim to restraint bias

We have an inflated sense of self-control. So we expose ourselves to junky bad habits but fail to control our addictions.

This experiment proved it. Northwestern University psychologists asked a group of smokers to take a ‘pretend’ self-control test. Randomly, half the group was told they tested high on self-control, and the other half was told they had low self-control. Participants were then challenged to watch a 95-minute film, Coffee and Cigarettes, without smoking. They were asked to choose out of four temptation levels- they could (i) keep a cigarette unlit in their mouths (highest cash reward), (ii) unlit in their hand, (iii) on a nearby desk, or (iv) in another room (lowest cash reward).

Smokers who were told they had high self-control picked the highest temptation level, thinking they would be able to resist. Of course, they failed and lit up a cigarette on average three times more than the other group.

Tiny habit hacks

We are all aware of Atomic Habits by James Clear and B.J.Foggs’ work on Tiny Habits. Their advice can be distilled into four practical hacks. What I like about these hacks is that they manage for underlying needs and environment and remove the self-restraint bias.

  1. Make each habit super-tiny: to get started, scale down a habit until it’s super-tiny. If I want to write a ~1,400 work newsletter, I could start by writing a 280-character tweet—or even one sentence. The point is to make the start as effortless and painless as possible. Once we start, we end up doing more each time. One sentence can become one paragraph, and so on. When I know I need to get back into regular workouts, all I do is wear my workout clothes first thing in the morning. This effortless action makes me ‘feel’ fitter and gets me into the workout mind state.
  2. Stack habits into daily routines: we all follow daily routines on auto-pilot. A very easy hack is to schedule the new habit right after an already sticky habit in our existing routine. My writing habit is a nightly post-dinner routine. But if it gets disrupted due to night work calls, it gets difficult for me to get back into the writing habit.
  3. Replace, don’t stop a bad habit: stopping something is more difficult than replacing it with something better. If we are used to eating something sweet after every meal, we are better off replacing that piece of cake with a piece of Mejdool Date. It is a healthier way to satisfy a sweet craving.
  4. Fake enjoyment till we feel it: when we reward ourselves after completing a new habit, we start craving the reward, and therefore, we start looking forward to the habit itself. Much like Pavlov’s dog. The reward could be very simple. For me, it is a guilt-free breakfast after a good workout. When I write, the environment I create is a reward in itself. Soft light from the lamp, the same playlist on loop, green tea, and a little table on which I balance my laptop.

What to do when we fall off the wagon? Just start again. Because the only thing worse than stopping is never starting again.

See you in the next edition!

Each week, I share practical ideas on marketing strategy and self-mastery, not taught in the B-school here.

Nimisha Pruthi

Senior Marketer & Business Leader I Ex. Diageo I Ex. PepsiCo


Always a delight to read your notes, Rashi.

Rashi Grover

Consultant at the World Bank


Super inspiring!

Shashidhar Bathaloor

Knowledge is within you, find out what is your Passion and work on it. Success and satisfaction will be with you.


It’s very much true. I had not recognised how lazy things keep repeating. Learnt a lesson today Great to read

Jatin Bhatt

Technical Director - KPMG India


Another awesome article Rashi. Am currently reading Atomic Habits only.

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