What Matters Most For Your Success In Cross-Cultural Business Situations
What Matters Most For Your Success
In Cross-Cultural Business Situations
外籍老板和我说 他不在乎我英语好不好
The other day, a colleague told me that she didn’t tell me something because she didn’t want to offend me. I said, “Why did you think you’re going to offend me? I asked for your thoughts and comments to help me do something better. I even encouraged you to let me know. So whatever you have to say, I’m viewing it as feedback and input, not criticism.”
有一天,一个员工跟我说,她说话有所保留是因为不想得罪我。 我说:“为什么觉得会得罪我呢?我鼓励你们分享自己的想法,是因为我想把事情做到更好,不管你说什么,我都不觉得这是批评,而是对我的反馈。”
I also told her, “Trust me, if I don’t feel comfortable about something you say or do, I’ll let you know. No big deal. I’ll tell you how I feel so you can understand me and the situation better next time!”
This incident captures the biggest reason why many Chinese professionals don’t perform so well in cross-cultural business situations. You overthink things when dealing with foreigners, like me. You think about things I don’t really care about. Or think I’ll react to something in a way that I wouldn’t. Because you’re overthinking, you’re afraid to engage me. You hold back. You don’t speak out to share your thoughts and ideas with me. You’re passive, when you actually have something to contribute.
It’s not about your English skills
With China becoming more global and global-caliber in many ways, performing well in cross-cultural business situations is becoming increasingly important. As a recruitment and talent industry professional for 20+ years, I’ve met many people who speak very good English. And many who have done international business for a long time, studied and worked abroad, and taken cross-cultural training courses. But they still can’t perform confidently and effectively in international business situations, so contribute less than what they are capable of to them.
I also know people who have never lived or worked abroad. They haven’t been in many cross-cultural situations before. Yet, they work very well with people from other countries. That’s why I believe cross-cultural training is overrated. While understanding someone’s background, sensibilities, and country help you, they’re not the key to working well with foreigners.
If your thoughts and ideas are good,
others will listen carefully
Before going on, I want to say something about English skills. Because for many, it’s an easy excuse for why they can’t communicate with foreigners or handle international business situations well.
For 90% of the people who think their English isn’t good enough, to me, that’s not the case. It’s fine. As a foreigner, I’m not nearly as critical of your English skills as you are. In fact, I don’t care about your grammar, accent, or how slowly you talk. As long as I can understand you and you can understand me, which is usually the case.
What I pay attention to most are your thoughts and ideas. Because we’re both trying to achieve something together. And my Chinese isn’t nearly as good as your English. So you can count on my patience and persistence to listen to and understand what you have to say.
So don’t overthink your English skills. They’re likely already good enough for you to handle the cross-cultural situations you’re in.
It’s how you say things
If you still don’t think so, here’s a tip. As important as what you say is how you say things. For instance, the following lines show a lot of humility and self-awareness, and your desire to understand something better.
- Do you mind if I ask . . .
- I’ve heard before that . . . How true is this?
- I’m not sure if this is correct, but . . .
- Could you please explain to me . . .
- I may be missing something here, but . .
- Could you let me know what you think about . .
I guarantee that you’ll never offend anyone using them. And you’ll be more confident when communicating with people from different backgrounds.
Key characteristics for success in cross-cultural situation
Far more than your English skills, these three characteristics will help you perform well in any cross-cultural business situation you face.
Your Sincerity
Sincere people are more genuine, transparent, and easier to work with. I always tell our staff that when you do things, others can tell where you’re coming from. They can tell what kind of person you are. Whether you’re someone who genuinely wants to help them, or is trying your best to do a good job for them. As opposed to someone who’s just looking after yourself, or only cares about what’s best for you.
When doing business with people from another country, there are many things you’re not going to know. And many situations you’re not going to be familiar with. Mistakes and misunderstandings will happen.But what motivates others to work things out with you is their feeling that you’re making a sincere effort to do everything you can to do something well.
Your Professionalism
Everyone likes working with highly professional people. They’re viewed as reliable. They have a solid approach to how they do things. And they bring a standard and consistency to the situations they’re in, so are more straightforward and easier to work with.
Highly professional people also don’t give you excuses or long explanations why something didn’t work or wasn’t done well. Instead, they focus on solving problems, coming up with solutions and delivering results. These are what matter to people when facing challenging, international business situations.
Your Value
People are more motivated and patient when dealing with others who can deliver benefits and value to them. In a cross-cultural business situation, I don’t care how much you know about American culture or American people. If you’re curious and interested, that’s good enough for us to connect with each other.
Again, business is practical. And international business is especially challenging. Identify ways to help others be more successful and they’re going to try harder to understand you and get along with you. If you don’t have much value to offer others, they’ll make less of an effort.
Learning the culture and habits of people from another country is fun and interesting. But we can do this when we go out to build our relationship over drinks or dinner together. But if you want to perform well in cross-cultural business situations, more English lessons and cross-cultural training won’t have the biggest impact on this. It’s the sincerity, professionalism and value that you bring to others in these situations.
Thurday, July-26
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