What Is My True Purpose In Life? 🤔💭
Once we begin to set our minds on things above, we will begin to experience the greatest life God initially promised us. As he renews our minds, we start to manifest our best self completely in our mind, body and soul. To obtain this promise we must first must stop living for ourselves, instead we should surrender the control we desire to have over a life that is not our own; for Jesus.
As it is written:
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
—Colossians 3:2 NIV
The holy life that God has purposed us to live was created separately in each & every one of us that holds a specific destiny. That means that He foreknew & predestined an outcome of our entire lives way BEFORE we even got conceived in our mother’s wombs.
Many people will ask, “So you’re telling me that people were DESTINED to feel pain, even die for God?” Technically in a sense yes and no.
How I look at it from my perspective is that when we die it’s either because we fulfilled our purpose on earth or we disobeyed Him recklessly so much to where WE brought upon the consequences of sin into our lives, which the Bible states clearly is DEATH with a mind governed by our fleshly bodies.
As it is written:
“So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.”
—Romans 8:6 NLT
Legendary Mindz was birthed into the world with the soul purpose of being a powerhouse of LOVE. Only with the intentions to help all who want to be helped. As a beacon of light to guide His children back to the true light; Him (Jesus). Nothing less…
As it is written:
“Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”
—Luke 24:45 NLT
To live a FREE life is what we ALL desire. A life from stress, worry, pain, etc. is ideal yes, but what good would life be without the struggle to obtain the greatness we desire? Would it be worthwhile if it was easy?
Everything happens for a reason, I mean EVERYTHING from good to bad. Now you, yes YOU, who is reading this at this very moment. Know that the way you’re feeling was a predestined strategic move in your life set by God, for you to read up until the point right right now…
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