What Is Outbound Sales?
How long do you focus? Adults can only focus on one screen for 47 seconds, according to research. Outbound sales entails persistent prospecting. In a world of continual distractions and declining attention spans, sellers must be well aware of buyer behavior to compete for their attention. As you can expect, that's difficult. Don't worry—this post will help you maximize outbound sales to stand out and maximize your window of opportunity.
What is Outbound sales?
A seller contacts a potential customer through outbound sales. This usually involves cold calling or emailing. Online and print research, events, and third-party agency contact lists help outbound sellers find potential prospects.
3 benefits of outbound sales
Outbound sales reps contact potential consumers. Advantages of this approach:
◊ Control: Inbound sales depend on marketing and chance to locate clients at the correct time and location in the buyer's journey. Outbound sales put you in charge, discovering customers and pursuing business.
◊ Flexibility: Since you're usually selling to one prospect, you can adjust your sales approach to your audience and pivot to introduce a new product feature or extend into another territory.
◊ Speed: Outbound sales can sell your product faster and obtain immediate feedback. It requires less groundwork than certain inbound sales methods, including preparing and running ads, which can take months to work.
Outbound sales process: 6 steps
Building your own outbound sales process lets you draw out the sales steps that work best for your firm. There are several basic steps to get started:
1. Determine your audience
Selling by throwing a wide net and trying to reach prospects is futile. You must define your ideal customer to understand their wants and sell your solution. The one that suits your goods. Create a buyer persona to describe your ideal consumer. Demographics like role and company and psychological factors like motives and challenges are provided. Using data, research, and interviews, you may target only individuals that fit your offering.
2. Get leads
Search for your target audience now that you know them. You can collect lead contact information with your in-house lead gen team. Buy lead lists from a database firm if not.
Recommended by LinkedIn
You may DIY lead generation by searching LinkedIn or site directories. Enter the information into a CRM like Sales Cloud to monitor them through nurturing and beyond.
3. Outreach
After compiling your leads, go. Prepare to contact prospects. Social selling is a modern strategy to engage and sell to clients via social media. Cold calling and emailing are traditional outreach strategies. Where does your ideal consumer spend most of their time? Contact them via these channels.
4. Quality leads
Outreach is used to determine if a prospect is interested in your product and a possible customer. Many merchants qualify using B.A.N.T. - Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing. A prospect must have the money for your product, be able to make a purchasing choice, need your product, and/or be looking for a solution like yours when you approach them. Prospects who meet three of these four criteria are qualified customers.
You can also utilize your AI-powered CRM to rank leads by customer profile. You can select the most likely to close and generate revenue.
5. Lead sales calls, demos, and conversations
After meeting a potential consumer, show how your product or service can solve their difficulties. Sales calls and live demos assist explain your product. For the latter try one-on-one meetings between the prospect and sales rep.
Consider these for a successful demo:
• Prepare: Some want the overall picture, others the details. Before demo day, knowing your prospect's preferences will help you design a presentation that answers all their questions, calms them, and excites them about your product. Sales AI can pull relevant online sources into your CRM to automate prospect research.
• Customize: Limit your presentation to prospect-relevant slides and personalize them to their needs. Suppose you offer restaurant equipment and your customer owns a bakery. Focus on baking equipment.
• Set the expectations: Give your prospect an overview of what you'll cover and encourage them to give feedback (good and bad) throughout the presentation. Create an environment for open conversation. Builds trust and gives them an escape if they're not interested.
6. Follow up until contract closes
Always end a sales demo with clear instructions. That may be introducing you to another company decision-maker or sending a quote. Follow up with an email thanking them for their time and reminding them what to expect.
Following these methods can help you attract and convert leads into sales.