What if this Pandemic is a test of our Faith in God?
In the Old and the New Testaments we note several accounts of people who were tested for their faith. Daniel, the Three Hebrew Boys, Joseph and Job are some of them in the Old Testament that standout in this regard. In the New Testament, we have examples like Steven who was martyred for the Lord and many from the early church that were put to death in the Roman arena’s. Scripture records for us that all of these people and many more stood steadfast for the faith and never backed out in the face of persecution, tribulation and death. These people were prepared to die for the cause if it came to that. What caused them to take a stance where their very lives were not as important as their faith in God? All these people that I have mentioned who stood for their faith in God, had a relationship with God and they chose to serve God rather than to give in to that which was required of them in opposition to God. My question to you today is, if Jesus had to come today, how many of us would be ready to receive Him? An account in the Bible of the Ten Virgins show us that while we may all look like we are prepared – we may not all be prepared – like those five who were left behind!
Our Scripture Texts for this Morning are: Matthew 5:10-12
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Jesus speaking at the Mount of Olives, has these words of encouragement for those who will receive Him and live by His principles. We can understand persecution as anything that comes to cause us to detract from service to God and His Word for our lives. While persecution of the saints is a demonic strategy to come up against the saints of God and prevent them from serving God as they should, as Christians we need to be aware of the craftiness and the subtlety of the enemy when it comes to our faith and purpose in God. From March of last year when the regulations were imposed on public gatherings and it was something that was required and necessary, I might add, but since then, many Christians have chosen to use the Pandemic as an excuse not to serve the Lord. I say this because, these very same people who find it necessary to stay away from the house of God, have no problem to attend work on a daily basis, go to the shops for their necessary daily needs, and do whatever else is deemed necessary. It is only the area of serving God that seems to be cut out of their lives!
While this Pandemic has really taken the world by surprise, as Christians we ought to be aware that these things will come to pass. Scripture tells us that all these things are going to happen before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to take His church back with Him. While the Pandemic may be a surprise to the world, it is certainly not a surprise to the church of Jesus Christ. We have been preaching about these various events that will come to pass before the Lord can appear. Yet for some unknown reason, it seems that many are taking a safe route to save their own lives. The Scriptures tell us that we are not in a position to save ourselves, that is the very reason why Jesus came into this world to die so that we can be saved. Further to that, we also read that if we try to save our lives we will lose it, but if we lose our lives for the sake of the Gospel, we will gain it. I wonder if that makes sense to us today? What the Word of God is saying is that everyone of us will die eventually, but those that die in Christ will live eternally with Him – which is a much better situation than living on this earth!
So, while I encourage every believer to take stock of our lives and to choose that which is pleasing in the sight of the Lord, I also encourage all to adhere to the protocols set by the government of our country – as the churches who hold services do. Wear your masks, keep a social distance from others, especially those not a part of your household, sanitize your hands regularly and wash with soap all the time. I also encourage every believer to examine themselves and see where it is they are in their standing with God during this time. The truth of the matter is that many have drawn cold, and have drifted away from the things of the Lord. That is a strategy that the enemy uses to cause us to back-slide from the faith which we once were passionate about. Be on your guard, be vigilant and steadfast, looking unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Jesus also had to endure persecution for our sakes, can we also choose to be persecuted for His name sake? Examine yourselves today and ask yourselves the question: “Should Jesus come today to take His church away, will I also be among them that are caught us with Him in the air?”
Be Blessed, Go Blessed and Stay Blessed,
Pastor Rickey Naidoo
Ekklesia Family Church
Elandspark, Alberton.
Email: rickey.naidoo@ekklesiafc.com
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