What Part And Parcel Of Our Personal World Changes?
Change places us in the awkward, uncomfortable, unprotected position of being 'on guard' waiting for the ax to fall. In reality, there is no need for added protection when change comes a-calling. What we are really dealing with is: disguised paranoia. We misinterpret the situation and react to it as something necessary in order to adjust to the change without losing our so-called grounded footing.
But, unfortunately, we are doing nothing except fooling ourselves by designing an elaborate story in which we may maneuver more contentedly, until at such time we find our once familiar rhythm. Remember the old adage: "Thou doest resist a little too much"? When the cherished 'clung to' situation has obviously changed around us, while we still try to maintain a semblance of supposed order, the ground will shift even more abruptly, in order to shake us out of our preferred sleep.
In other words, the unwarranted paranoia is unfounded and defunct. Nothing occurs has occurred or ever will occur that is not precisely and exactly what the sacred hour of provision calls for. If we but remember, life's changes are not designed to annihilate but to germinate. Our permission, validation, acceptance and approval will not be sought. The season has changed and we must move with it.
Our manipulative tactics, (of trying to win, get the best shot, the biggest advantage) will not prove fruitful or beneficial. Like water being changed into ice; though the molecular structure has been altered the chemical composition remains the same. And, so too, are we in the process of peeling back another layer to our 'yet to be discovered' seeded potential.
Unfortunately, sprouting new seeds is the LAST thing people want to do. We all realize that in any luscious flower garden, unwanted weeds pop up. Most of us do not want to find and eliminate the pestering parasites, attached. What parasites? (Self-doubt, fear, anxiety, guilt, regret, remorse, suspicion, powerlessness and loss of security)
The real culprit, however, is our inability to realize and declare with full certainty that we don't have a clue: we never have had an inkling of understanding of what is to be or for what divine reasons the various begetting circumstances (Involving every incomprehensible relationship) occurred.
IF there be divine reason, we will never know it; since the complexity of the extenuating tentacles, surrounding the involvement, is much too complicated and diverse for our finite minds to sort out, much less comprehend. So, acceptance remains our only recourse; a sublime sanctified resignation, if you will.
We must surrender and acknowledge that it is futile and pointless to fight the inevitable. Whatever takes place unfolds for reasons we can't see but is the ONLY possible way for the events (relationships) to transpire or it wouldn't be. It's that simple and profound.
The truth is: we are the 'part and parcel' of change (and, we take it very personally) that takes place the moment we become aware it's happening all the time.
Malerei ist Denken - Painting is thinking