What should sustainability build environment should encompass?
My recommendation for an ideal build environment should encompass:
At times we are going for the sake of going on something because of compliance issues or due to authority requirements.
Not many professionals go further thoughts or ask themself further questions to strike a balance with the above items.
The above items and priorities also change due to changes in key personnel or bought over by another company, so naturally, the company directions also change.
I came across an institution head that follows the authority's direction to design the building with Green Mark features and paid for the design. A few years later, he left, and the new head is very angry with the design as during rainy days the rain gets in, and during windy days we can see papers and debris flying around and so he instructed everything to redesign back to what it used to be before Green Mark time.
My recommendations for true sustainability should not compromise by improving one item but the cost goes into another. This is just self-cheating oneself. Instead, the design should be able self sustain and should not affect raising other costs to be considered a successful design.
Please share with me your thoughts for discussion. Thank you.