What the System Field Reveals – Or Why Dieter Woke Up in the Ladies’ Room After the Office Holiday Party
Enjoy this journey with Melissa Veronika Lobert to find out:
What Happened?
👩🏼🦰: "What do you think, Melissa?"
👩🏻: "Well, Silvia, I must say, I didn't see that coming ."
👩🏼🦰: "Let's first take a short look at the information available! "
Dieter, the quintessential "rock of the office" – quiet, dependable, and a numbers guy through and through – found himself in that situation. He was as shocked as everyone else. Being a man of logic, numbers, and spreadsheets, he couldn't explain what happened that evening.
The first suspicion among his colleagues? That lethal punch the assistant to the CEO brought to the party.
Oh, the rumors and speculation that followed! Here's the unanimous short version from those who were there:
The evening started innocently enough. Dieter made polite small talk with the finance department while sipping a punch. But by 10 p.m., he had completely transformed. Suddenly, Dieter was the loudest voice in the room, passionately advocating for "more humanity in the budget" and topping it off with a late-night karaoke performance that no one asked for.
One can imagine the scene – values shattered, gossip ignited. Then, poof! Dieter disappeared. Hours later, thanks to a kindhearted cleaning lady, he was discovered… in the ladies' room.
👩🏼🦰: "So, what happened? Was it just the punch? Or is Dieter doomed to repeat this saga every holiday season?
To uncover the truth, we invite you to join Dieter on a journey through the mysterious "system field."
👩🏻: Wow, right now, I can't stop picturing Dieter in the ladies' room. My face says it all 😅. However, Silvia, what exactly is a system field? "
👩🏼🦰: "Well, Melissa, I'd love to explain. System fields," I like to say, "are the invisible puppeteers of our lives."
👩🏻: "Oh, intriguing! So they affect us deeply?"
👩🏼🦰: "Absolutely! Every person, family, team, company, and yes, even a party has its own 'system field.' It's a web of unconscious expectations, roles, and tensions. It maintains balance—or falls apart."
👩🏻: "Falls apart? That sounds dramatic. Why does that happen?"
👩🏼🦰: "Well, look at Dieter! In essence, there are three main reasons system fields tip over.
In everyday life, we suppress frustrations or unmet needs. The system field absorbs this tension—until the proper storm sets it free. For Dieter, the holiday party might have been the perfect storm: relaxed hierarchies, alcohol, and unspoken dissatisfaction. "
💡Unconscious dynamics communicate invisibly, eventually finding a way to surface. They want to be noticed – they're dynamics, after all.
In Dieter's case, as someone who's always in control, the system demanded balance. The result? Chaos instead of control.
💡System fields always strive for equilibrium – whether we like it or not. Think yin and yang, order and chaos. At a party, individual fields merge into one collective vibe. The relaxed atmosphere pulls everyone in, even the rule-followers."
👩🏻: "So, these invisible interactions impact us more than we realize. No wonder we sometimes wake up thinking, 'Why on earth did I do that?'"
👩🏼🦰: "Exactly!"
👩🏻: "So, what now? Should we ban Dieter from holiday parties?"
👩🏼🦰 "No need for that 😅. Instead, we'll help Dieter uncover the secrets of his system field using the 'Imago technique' to make invisible communication visible."
Here's a quick recap, in case the punch has dulled your memory: Dieter, our ever-reliable colleague, got swept up in karaoke, punch, and unexpected confessions at the holiday party. His "Christmas miracle" ended in the ladies' room – with a hangover and many questions.
But what if this chaos is more than just bad decisions and too much alcohol? What if it's a symptom of an imbalanced system field?
We'll help Dieter dig deeper with the Imago technique. First, we ask him to create a visual representation of his workplace dynamics using small objects like figurines, paper circles, and arrows on a table.
👩🏻: "What does this tell us, Silvia? How does this explain his ladies' room debacle?"
👩🏼🦰: "Patience, Melissa. It's all coming together now."
The image reveals that Dieter feels isolated and overwhelmed. His team leader is distant, the finance department unyielding, and his team disconnected.
This isn't unique - Unfortunately, this happens in many teams.
As we dive deeper, three key issues emerge:
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👩🏻: "So, his loud karaoke and over-the-top looseness were his subconscious screaming for connection and relief?"
👩🏼🦰: "Exactly."
👩🏻: "And how can we help Dieter avoid future naps in the ladies' room?"
👩🏼🦰: "By working together to balance the system field. Using the Imago technique, Dieter can visualize changes that create harmony."
For instance, we asked Dieter, "What needs to happen for the team leader to move closer to the team in your Imago?"
After some thought, Dieter suggested inviting her to regular meetings. This small change could reduce the distance between her, him, and the team.
👩🏻 "So, the Imago technique creates a 'current state' map and evolves it into a 'desired state'?"
👩🏼🦰: "Exactly, Melissa. It's like family constellation work but tailored to professional settings, focusing not just on questions but on fields to restore balance."
👩🏻 "So, if Dieter keeps ignoring these dynamics, the stress could eventually take a toll on his health too, right?"
👩🏼🦰: "Absolutely. Chronic stress weakens the immune system, disrupts digestion, and leads to tension headaches or back pain. But by recognizing these patterns, Dieter can make lasting changes."
As with other systemic constellations, our goal is to consciously recognize and understand the root causes of a situation to initiate change. Dieter now begins to see connections and can use this newfound awareness to alter his circumstances.
He starts changing the first Imago, adds new symbols, and moves figures to open the system field for the future he would like to see.
For example, the "Finance Department" should collaborate more closely with Dieter. They're symbolically integrated into the circle via a metaphorical bridge to foster communication and enhance teamwork.
By reflecting on the question, "What needs to change to make things better?" Dieter adjusts his role within the Imago as well. He steps out of the central position, assuming a supportive role from the sidelines. This shift changes the dynamics, allowing the overall picture to gradually harmonize.
Dieter discovers practical steps to achieve this harmony. Crucially, he realizes he doesn't have to shoulder everything alone. A conversation with his team leader enables her to implement small but meaningful changes that bring more balance to the team.
Balancing the field is a vital step in addressing unconscious dynamics and their invisible communication to spark fundamental transformation. This process can be supported through targeted questions and carefully chosen fields.
For Dieter, understanding these connections ultimately leads to personal change—because, quite frankly, he's had enough of waking up in places he'd rather avoid.
👩🏼🦰: "But what about situations where, even with these insights, no change occurs?"
Sometimes, a systemic field is part of a more extensive, rigid system—say the entire company. If the more extensive system resists change, progress may stall. Imagine Dieter's team leader wanting to attend more meetings, but her manager dismissing it as a waste of time. Without this essential part of the transformation, the path to balance is blocked.
It might feel like being stuck in a loop. However, because Dieter knows the dynamics, he'll likely adjust his thinking and actions. If the system he's in can't balance itself, Dieter might consider requesting a transfer—or even leaving the company entirely.
Because enduring an imbalanced system can lead to unhealthy stress and, ultimately, physical health consequences.
In short, a balanced systemic field is a powerful ally. An imbalanced one, while challenging, offers valuable insights and opportunities to initiate conscious change.
👩🏼🦰: "If nothing changes, though, who knows? Perhaps next year, we'll find Hildegard—the colleague who sits opposite Dieter—dancing on the office table instead. "
Reflecting on the process, what lessons can we take away?
Dieter's night might have been an extreme case, but it invites us to look more closely. Our teams, organizations, and relationships are dynamic systems in constant motion.
Systemic fields are the invisible forces that hold everything together—or let it unravel. Dieter's story is one of many ways these fields can express themselves.
So, take a closer look:
You've likely experienced situations, both personal and professional, that defy logical explanation. Family system dynamics alone provide endless material—just ask the film industry, which thrives on soap operas and comedies about them!
I encourage you to consider the interplay of systemic fields and the invisible communication within your environment. Doing so may reveal new perspectives and holistic solutions. It's worth it!
Pro tip: For a quick Imago when you're short on time, you only need a blank sheet of paper and some colored pencils. Label the system you'd like to analyze at the top. Draw a circle to represent the system field, and without overthinking, sketch spontaneously inside the circle.
You'll be surprised by what you discover—and the emerging solutions.
I wish you fun, insightful discoveries and a serene, joyful holiday season!
💡Die Lobert-Methode für ein Leben in Balance Inhouse Schulungen I Workshops I Vorträge I Autorin
1wOh no Dieter! Not again...
Zuversicht = Mut = Tatkraft = LEBEN! Mit Komplizen machbar! Für Ihre Mentale Gesundheit + für die Ihres Umfeldes = für Ihr (gemeinsames) LEBEN!
1wYou made my hour Dr. Silvia Schmalzl