What is telepathy ?
"Do you believe in telepathy? No? Then what are you doing when you pray?"
-- Charles R. Moore
Telepathy is the ability to communicate thoughts, feelings, or impressions directly from one person's mind to another person's mind, without the use of any physical senses or verbal communication. It is an ability that is often attributed to psychics and people with supernatural powers, but there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of telepathy.
However, some people claim to have experienced telepathy or have seen evidence of it in others. There are different types of telepathy experiences, including Telepathic communication, which is the ability to transfer information between two or more people mentally, without the need for physical communication. Telepathic perception involves the ability to sense or perceive thoughts or emotions from another person without being told or seeing the person’s physical actions.
There is also an aspect called Latent Telepathy, which is the term used when a person is telepathic, but they are unaware of it. They may experience instances of telepathy but may unconsciously dismiss it as coincidence or as their imagination.
There are various theories attempting to explain telepathy. Some believe that telepathy is a form of extrasensory perception (ESP), while others believe that it is a result of a strong emotional connection between two people. Whether it exists or not, telepathy has been the subject of much fascination and intrigue for centuries.
In conclusion, telepathy is an ability that claims to allow people to communicate and sense each other's thoughts and emotions without requiring physical means. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of telepathy, but it remains a fascinating and intriguing topic of discussion for many people.