What workplace bullying is and how you can deal with it
Bullying is not something that just happens in a corner of the playground when little kids are playing. Bullies are pretty common in the adult world too. In fact, 90% of workers in the US report that they have been bullied at their workplace. Did you know that repeated workplace bullying can trigger a lot of mental and physical issues such as anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and difficulty sleeping? Sometimes, quitting the job is the only option for victims of workplace bullying.
What are examples of workplace bullying?
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, bullying is defined as “repeated mistreatment of an employee by one or more employees; abusive conduct that is: threatening, humiliating, or intimidating; work sabotage; or verbal abuse.”
However, some experts believe that bullying goes even further. According to them, workplace bullying is a form of psychological violence. Bullies often repeatedly and intentionally go after a target that they select. Victims of workplace bullying frequently struggle in their careers. According to a survey by the Workplace Bullying Institute, around 65% of victims of bullying lose their jobs due to various reasons, such as:
Who are some typical workplace bullies?
According to a poll by Monster, 51% of victims of bullying were bullied by their boss or manager. 39% of the respondents said that they were bullied by coworkers, while 4% of the participants were bullied by clients or customers. Workplace bullying is not limited by gender. Same-sex bullying is also a common occurrence in most offices. The Workplace Bullying Institute says that 65% of male bullies preferred targeting women while the rest (35%) targeted other men in the workplace. Also, 33% of female bullies targeted other women.
How you should respond when you are being bullied at your workplace
Wouldn’t it be great if someone else can come and save you from being bullied at work every day? Unfortunately, you would have to stand up to your bullies on your own. Depending on the person bullying you, you will have to define your response and strategy.
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If you are being bullied at work by a peer or subordinate…
You can turn the tables easier. The best thing you can try is to deflect the attacks. If this person has a habit of saying negative things to you at work, you can prepare a few nonchalant responses ready to use the next time they attempt to. “Nice try, but I’m not biting,” will discourage them, taking the fun out of bullying you.
If the bullying continues even after your attempts…
If you are finding it hard to deal with your difficult coworker daily, the best thing you can do is document everything that happens in the office. Take note of the dates, times, and places where they bully you so that you can present the information to your manager.
If your boss is your bully…
Things are a bit tougher to deal with if your boss is your bully because there is a power dynamic involved. You can try addressing the situation with your supervisor during a performance review when they ask what you would like to change in the office.
Talk to your coworkers about your boss being a bully
We don’t mean you should talk bad about your boss behind their back. But you should professionally discuss the bullying issue with your coworkers to see if others feel affected too. If you find others in a similar situation, you can easily build a case for why your boss’s bullying is affecting the turnover, absenteeism, and productivity of the business.
Get the help of HR
You should approach the HR department when you feel that you have tried to address the situation with your boss and failed in doing so. It is better to present your case with details about bullying incidents which include dates, times, and places. Talking to HR will help you make a better stand for yourself when you are dealing with a bully whose rank is higher than yours in the company hierarchy.