What the world needs now is for Men to rise.
I am here now and I am here to win.
In today’s modern culture more and more men are led to believe that weakness is actually strength, that suffering is the new courage, that celebrating your mental illness or physical deficiencies is a virtue.
Men we must ask ourselves if this is the type of society that we are willing to tolerate and be complicit in the creation of.
Western men have been the creators of just about everything we use in modern society including culture, science, and technology.
But we must not abdicate what is right and virtuous in the modern world.
We must not let an all powerful government backed by the financing of mega billionaire Class telling us compliance is strength; Telling us we are not worthy of creating and building businesses; Telling us to obey and wear a mask; Telling us that you have no right to protect your family.
It’s time the modern man stand up and begin to awaken to a true strength.
As men we must admire strength. I admire men who are strong. Who show up to life not just hoping to win but expecting it.
I know guys who show up with the attitude of “I am here now and I am here to fucking win“
And if more of us don’t have that strength of character, that single minded purpose to be the best you can be in any circumstance…
Then we will surely lose the morality of strength that has created the modern world.
There is nothing toxic about being a man.
Strength is a virtue
Integrity is a virtue.
Mastering a skill is a virtue.
Providing for your family and creating your own self-reliant means of creating resources is a virtue.
Standing up for what is right is a virtue.
This is the man I seek to build in myself.
This is the man I seek to build for the modern world.
Check out this video and discover how how to join this movement of Men who are destined to rise.