What Are you doing with Media?
Do you have a Digital Media Strategy for your business?
Have you discovered the way to select a few key tools and implement them in a way that might make a difference? What is your strategy? Future Media Association is creating a community that will enable to get the information from experts when you need answers. We all have had the opportunity to purchase programs that we will watch "when we have time" and then we seem to never get back to the lesson. Purchasing a training module is not always the most proactive solution when you need real answers and you're working to solve a specific challenge. Future Media Association is the simplest way to connect with others that are either teaching solutions or learning just like the rest of us.
Plus, we have a great time together. Join Marian and I as we gather up talented people that are passionate about making a difference.
If you're interested in the audio-only version of the show we have a link to our Spreaker channel that affords the opportunity to listen in to the show.