What are you scared of doing?
What are you scared of doing right now that will make a bigger impact? This is what I keep asking myself as I fully launch She-Coaches next year and I’m kind of playing around and doing a bit of this and a bit of that, and I’m like, oooh, what are you scared of? Well I’m scared of having too many people come to tell you the truth. It’s quite a ridiculous situation I know, and I’m like, okay, I’ll just have a waitlist, they’ll have to wait. I’ll get the right people, I can hand-choose them. So I’m doing all this work in my own mindset around it, but actually, what would make a bigger impact is if I actually ran more of them maybe. I’m just thinking how big an impact is your outcome that you want? Big income typically comes with big impact by the way, they are very linked.
What do you know would change everything?
That thing where you think you could? I’ll give you a clue – it could be a quiet little voice saying “oh, maybe you could…maybe you could do a marketing campaign rather than just ad-hoc posts. Maybe you could do some real different stuff that stands out. Maybe you could do live video if you’re not doing that”. Things that you know would make a difference. This is your permission to do it – whatever it is. Because it can’t be worse than doing nothing more than you’re doing, which is not getting you where you want to go right?