Our system economically crashed- remember? Do you sincerely believe we are "recovering" as the media and government statists insist? And interest rates are going up!
In addition, the plight for women globally is quickly heading back into The Dark Ages with more exploitation, perversion, and horror. The suicide rate with women is climbing throughout our world, even faster than the decline in the quality of our public education, and rise in collegiate expectations and "entitlements".
Oprah has done a little in Africa, educating young women BEFORE they fall into this hell of a life or worse. There are people and organizations helping very few in pockets around our globe. However, there are also the wolves who act as if they want to help, when in truth they abuse and enslaves these women and our children the most.
Mass media; on TV, on billboards, in magazines, etc- are adding to our problems, all while selling you empty glitz, glam, sex, and empty promises.
That being stated...our problems are actually an effect of an even larger problem: the war on families, the commodification of children and other's in society, who are weak, ill, disabled, minorities, and so forth. (Some do agree with me that we are actually in a civil war now, only we have been "dumbed-up" and "pacified" for so long now, most people would rather believe otherwise, and ignore my facts and knowledge as "silly", or unfounded without even lifting a finger to find and read the thousands of articles which support my positions.
There could have been solutions but our politicians and large corporations over the last few decades have ensured that there is no going back now.
As enormous as these issues are, most people do not understand that our government IS FIGHTING AGAINST US NOW and WHY that IS the case and fact.
Look- if I had a billion, maybe even a few hundred million, I would purchase land and form kebutz type settlements here within the US, which would contain proper schools, and health care, and support its settlers in humane, civilized ways. However, I truly believe that it would not take long before the government found ways to shut it down and profit on the spoils. This is the sad truth of what we face in the US now. Those of us who try to help usually get hurt the most. I speak and consult from experience, intelligence, and the significant knowledge I have gathered fighting in the trenches for over a decade now.
I think you realize, on some level, that there are far more people and money fueling these problems than there are humane individuals trying to resolve the crises. It is clear that you yourself have not had the resources to significantly try and make a positive dent here. What I am telling you is if you had tried you would even more understand and support my position.
WE> the civilized, intelligent ones who are awake now, and do recognize that we are being terrorized and injured from within America's boarders, need to come together and not dismiss wisdom, collect facts, data, and unify together, maybe off the grid, although now laws are being passed which make that possibility illegal now as well. So where do we go to create this utopia? Even with all the money in the world, where do we go, and who do we allow in or not? Personally, I would most likely accept all victims. It isn't very difficult to determine who the true victims are anymore.
Anyone out there interested?
Lets call it Project Noah's Ark
-Valerie Carlton-
Visual Artist, Photojournalist, & Founder of Your Reaction News - howdidyoureact. I present compelling news through my photography & artwork. Viewing it will automatically force uncontrollable reactions unexpectedly.
8yIAM interested, but I don't trust anyone. IAM awake, now. I have information and don't know who to trust to give it to.
CEO @ TreasuryPros | Treasury Management Consulting, Financial Literacy
9yCongratulations Valerie. You have figured it out. Now what are you willing to do? How far are you willing to go? Send me an invitation to connect and perhaps you'll appreciate the leg work that has already been done. #thestruggleisreal @TreasuryPros
Facilities Services Professional
9yMarvin Gaye?
9ySadly our govt. is only interested in keeping their jobs and not doing anything to ensure an individuals quality of life.