What's it like working as an Analyst for K2M?
Driving Innovative Analysis Services in Renewable Energy
Andy Hay leads K2 Management’s Analysis Services team, overseeing numerous successful renewable energy projects worldwide. His team prioritizes innovation, aiming to set new standards in wind analysis globally. Their focus on precision and cutting-edge methods accommodates diverse projects, spanning continents and environments. Find out exactly what it's like to work as an Analyst at K2M.
Free Download: Offshore Energy Yield Validation Report
Take a look at our most detailed study yet on how offshore energy performs. We've checked our predictions against real results from 45 projects, adding up to an amazing 14 GW of power or more than 5,900 turbine years. This report shows what it takes to lower risks in offshore energy investments, proving that we can give reliable forecasts for successful offshore wind projects in the long run.
Chief Executive Officer at K2 Management - Part of Ramboll
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