What's the One Thing You Wished You Knew Earlier?
Earlier this week, I used a LinkedIn update to ask the question in my headline. Hundreds of people responded, and then many more chose their favorites.
In the process of publishing this piece, I am answering my own question. I wish I knew earlier just how powerful it is to listen to - and learn from - other people.
To make that point loud and clear, the rest of this article is comprised entirely of the most popular lessons that other LinkedIn members shared; I've just made a few minor edits for clarity. Many thanks to all who participated; I am grateful that you shared your wisdom and life experiences.
John M. Roberts
Not making a decision is making a decision. (I know it now for sure)
Deanne Deaville
No matter how non-traditional, risky or illogical it may seem, stay focused on what you want and the life you wish to cultivate. Settling culminates in a life of mediocrity.
Alan Schwartz
I wish that I had learned the power of focused intention earlier in life. Specifically, that I should keep my eyes, heart and mind fixed on attracting, earning and becoming EXACTLY what I wanted and not settling for anything less. This means having crystal-clear goals and standards and the self-esteem to know that I was worthy of everything I desired.
Dotty Bollinger
If you don't control the craziness of your schedule, no one else will. Much of working ourselves to death is self-induced, and the sacrifices to family that we make are indeed, OURS.
Mohammed Danial Ismail
Stop worrying.
Anne DiCarlo
Good enough, rather than perfect, is often good enough.
Mayank Singhal
Connectedness and oneness beneath our apparent differences !!
Dimitre D.
Reality is perception based and that perception is a function of emotional intelligence - "there is no spoon"
Eman Elshekh - HRMD
Life is too short, enjoy every tiny moment in it.
Jane Fultz
Don't take your youth for granted.... It won't hang around forever. Focus, hone in on who you are by instinct, trust your instinct and live your life on purpose.
Dayna Steele
The more you do to make other people successful, the more successful you will become.
Aimee Hern
It's okay if not everyone likes you.
Greg Wilson
Your lifetime is fleeting. Be the Maestro of your orchestra, which is your future. No one other than you can make you great.
Michael Fialho
It doesn't matter how high powered a career is, what matters is if you're happy doing it.
Stephen M. Faught
Who to trust and your ideas are not always wrong... do not let people put you down and let it affect your self-esteem
Ana Cecilia D. Bautista
I am beautiful. :-)
Al Hudson CDS
How to identify and engage real mentors.
Barry Seidel
Saying NO is often the best choice, and rationalizing a yes is almost always a mistake.
Will McAlpine
This, by Peter Wimbrow... When you get what you want in your struggle for self, And the world makes you king for a day, Just go to the mirror and look at yourself, And see what that man has to say...
Bruce Kasanoff helps a wide range of entrepreneurs and executives shape their best ideas for social media. He is the author of How to Self-Promote without Being a Jerk.
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD.), Pharmacist at Meijer
8yDon't let fear of rejection/failure make your decisions for you.
Management information System
8yMuster and process the information at hand before acting.
Senior SEO Content Writer | I get the content work done in record time
8yI wished I knew how unproductive it is to settle for employer who manipulated me and after two years he said to me 'You are good-for-nothing'..!
Ready for my life-lessons to fall into place
8yOne doesn't have to get married and have children!! Go enjoy travel! See the world and if you are meant to have a family do it after that or it may never happen
8yA good word is a charitable act