What's On Your Mind?
“If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
- Everyone’s Grandma at one time or another…
I don’t have much of a relationship with Facebook anymore. I used to use it to essentially “collect friends
That changed a few years ago though. Some of my “friends” were simple acquaintances and a few people I met at the gym. I started to get concerned when I heard of people who posted vacation photos on their account only to find their house robbed clean when they returned. I realized that I couldn’t control the people who were “friends” with some of my “friends”, so I began to clean house of those “friends.”
Then I started to notice the amount of “humble-bragging
Then, the war between political parties started. Pretty soon I was inundated by nasty comments, memes, and articles from friends of both parties. Tiring of this nonsense, I began to “unfriend” or shut off the feeds of those “friends.”
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Then one day, my Facebook account was hacked and locked. I couldn’t restore it for several reasons, so I decided to completely ditch it and build a new account. This one contains only my oldest friends, shipmates, and my family members. The ones who started in on the political posts were silenced on my feed. It’s now more manageable and I mainly use it to scan BBQ and art forums as well as the Hip Dickson page to get local happenings near us.
Here is the problem with Facebook. When the post bubble asks, “What’s on your mind?” it opens a new can of worms. People say whatever is on their mind. On BBQ forums, you get the “humble-brags” (people posting pics of their ribs and chicken in response to a question), and the “helpful” feedback which is often thinly veiled criticism. My wife finds the same on her gardening forums. It appears social media is the new way to express whatever is on your mind. And I mean WHATEVER. Sometimes what’s on our minds ought to just stay there.
So, if you’d like to be part of the Facebook solution and not the problem, may I suggest the following?
There was a time when social media was uplifting and fun