When Simpler is Better

When Simpler is Better

There’s a quote I’ve seen written in a number of different ways, but essentially it goes like this. “If it costs you your peace it’s too expensive.” From the first time I’ve read it, it has stuck with me and has become something I repeat to myself when facing a stressful situation. Mental peace has become something I am fiercely protective of in this season of life. I crave simplicity, positivity, and flexibility. I’ve lived enough of my life in seasons of complexity, negativity, and rigidity to know this is a barren and desolate place.

I would venture to say that most of us desire mental peace and what this affords us in all other areas of our lives. But like a moth to a flame, so often we are drawn back into complicated situations that could otherwise be made very simple if only we had the self-control and confidence to resist the factors that tempt us to overthink.

What exactly are these factors? In reflecting on my own experiences with allowing life to get too complicated, I’ve identified several themes. Keep reading to learn what they are and how you can sidestep the pitfalls of making life more complicated than it needs to be. Because what it all really boils down to is…simpler is always better. I tried thinking of examples of when this wasn’t the case, but it got too complicated.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

So often it’s the fear of missing out that leads us to make situations more complicated than they need to be. We’re afraid we’re going to miss out on an idea or solution, so we throw too much into one day/project/meeting/proposal/event. But in packing too much into one “box” we become distracted by all the moving parts that we can’t focus on the one or two that really matter. We need to actively combat the fear of missing out and call it what it is – shiny object syndrome. Not all that glitters is gold. With practice and intention, you will find the ability to weed out the rhinestones from the diamonds in life and simplify things by only focusing on what truly matters.

Herd Mentality

Who we spend most of our time with greatly impacts our own thinking. If you spend your time with people who are anxious, fearful, and have a tendency to make situations more complicated than they need to be, soon you will find yourself doing the same. We emulate people we are familiar with, respect, and trust. Whether that’s your spouse, employer, coworkers, or social group, be careful who you’re “following.” And this absolutely applies to social media, too! Seek out people to exude peace, stability, grace, and forgiveness. In enough time, you’ll find yourself reflecting these same qualities. And I promise you, it’s a far better life when you protect the energy you allow to surround you.

Comparison (the Thief of all Joy)

Comparison is the opposite side of the spectrum from herd mentality because this is where you make things more complicated because you want to get a leg up on the competition. You think by doing more, being busier, and feeling more stressed out, surely you are outworking your competition. Not so! You can achieve great success by following a simple life, and you’ll actually be able to enjoy it. It’s taken me until recent years in my own entrepreneurial journey to realize that I can actively choose to simplify processes and routines in my life with even better outcomes than I had when I was putting in as much as twice the time into my business as I am now. Busier is not better. It’s simply busier. More is not better. It’s simply more. Do you follow? Stop comparing your journey to other people, and certainly don’t allow people with chaotic schedules and workloads to convince you that their “hustle” is producing better results than your peace.


This theme is woven into all other themes that cause us to overly complicate situations and that’s self-doubt. When we lack confidence in the value and skills we bring to the world, we will always seek ways to add things to ourselves to feel more worthy. Here is the truest, most essential truth I am slowly learning. You are enough just as you are! Simple is not lack. Simple is not lazy. Simple is peace, confidence, stability, and grace all working together to give you freedom. If all you bring you the world today is a loving embrace to someone in need, or a reassuring word to someone who is hurting, have you not delivered far more value than the person spinning his wheels in a flurry of meetings and emails who has not lived with such intention? Living a simple life is radically different than what society is portraying all around us. Only you know what is best for you and those you love. Stop doubting yourself and lean into that truth.

Aiming for Perfection

Great is the enemy of good. And perfection is the enemy of simplicity. When we strive for perfection, our entire world becomes skewed to the point of looking like a funhouse mirror. If you feel like this describes your mindset right now, you’re in good company. So many of us struggle with the goal of perfection. While we know this is an endlessly moving target, we will continue to exhaust ourselves and trample over everyone and everything around us to keep hustling to get there. But we never get there…because there is a mirage. And think of all the joy and beauty we miss along the way when we are so focused on this one, unattainable goal. I promise you that life changes drastically (for the good!) when you pull your gaze from the illusion of perfection and instead focus that same energy on the imperfectly wonderful moments life gives freely to us every day. This may all sound simple. It is. And it’s so, so good!

Agree or disagree? Do you have something else to add to this list? Meet me in the comments and let’s further examine these simple truths!

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