How can I find more high value content to publish for my audience ? (The Expert Model Basicz)
We are told we need more Content to stand out ... where are you supposed to find the inspiration for the high value content you are being expected to publish ? ...
and where can you find even more to stay current and be consistent in publishing for your audience ?
One of the primary source of high value content is the combination of your audiences questions / journey and your answers / magic
(1) What is the source of high value content ?
The source of this content (I find) is primarily my interaction with my audience / clients
- Answers: answers to questions my audience specifically ask
- Explanations; the explanations I find myself providing when engaging with my audience / explaining a concept or an approach
- Learnings: observations / learning I take away from consuming other peoples content
- Model: the other source of high value content is the models that you develop to help your audience / clients understand the "magic" that is you / that you offer. (More on this later ...
(2) What do you with these ideas
You may find that
- sometimes you have more prompts to develop content than you have time to write the articles ?
- and other days you don't know what content to share ?
Creating a list of Article titles / content to post can help smooth these days out so that you always have content (in varying stages of development) to publish
- Title: the draft title of the content
- Category: the category / series this piece of content it fits into (Q&A ? or a specific piece of one of your models ?)
- Source: what prompted this piece of content ? (who asked the question ? sometimes I record a link back to the post that prompted the question so I can go back and answer the question / address the comment by inserting the article link in my reply)
- Notes: as often as I can I add notes to my list: perhaps bullet points I want to develop when I write the content in full
(I use Asana to record my list of content to be written and published under different Categories)
(3) The key is to make the content as easy to use as possible
As you share your content make it as easy as possible for your audience to understand where, when and how to use this piece of content (in their terms, not yours)
- where does this piece of content fit into my journey as an audience member ?
- how and where should I be using the suggestions in this content on my journey ?
(4) Better done than perfect
If you are The Expert in your space you may also sometimes experience the desire to make sure your content perfect. Perhaps consider this:
- at the time of writing this article I have published some 70 plus articles, some of which are more useful than others
- many audience members have consumed this content already and hopefully many more members of my audience will consume even more of my content in the future
- I dont regard any of my articles as perfect ... maybe some day some of the articles will be closer to perfect than others ?
I know this for certain; had I not published any of my content to date then I would have learnt nothing much more than the selfish joy of thinking thoughts ... and none of my audience would have learnt anything from the lessons and models that I have learnt from.
If you have something of value to share with others then: Learn-Write-Share
Side note 1: "Speakers never have bad days they just have more material" - Craig Valetine. The same is true as experts: every day and every interaction and every conversation is an opportunity to learn and develop a greater understanding and more definition for our models: so pay attention and blog (write in the moment)
Side note 2: A quick note on your Models: this the primary source of how you deliver value: Your models, your processes, your Assessments, Your scales: that describe for your audience how to get from where they are to where they want to be i.e. your (transformation) Programs !
Side note 3: My approach to content is to write a blogz that can be consumed in a few minutes and has some elements that can be applied immediately by the reader to improve a specific aspect of their business or life. An average article for me is approximately 500 words and takes about an hour in total to write
- 5 to 10 minutes to conceptualize and add to the list
- 45 minutes to draft
- 10 to 15 minutes over some time to edit and update (from publish Version 1 to Version 2)
The essence of LinkedIn is effectively sharing your own high value content targeted to a specific audience to encourage mutually beneficial conversations that create the opportunity of converting your audience into your customers / connections
For more information click here: The Expert Entrepreneurs Model
Professional Speaker Trainer | Helping Business Owners & Speakers to Influence, Impact, and Inspire from the platform | Unleash your Speaking Potential
4yI have discovered that once you get into the habit of writing, the process becomes easier! Better done than perfect!
🇨🇦 Marketing & Advertising Professional 🇦🇺 | International Sales & Relationship Building Expert | Branding Maverick | Gap Awareness Strategist
4yI love this, too! Great article, Paul! It's a great reminder ... We all have SO MUCH content to create if we just thought about it from this perspective. Well done.
Marketing Director & Coach | Talking about Mindset, Marketing & Mastery
4ySide note 3 - 1 hour article challenge accepted! I'll share my results when ive done it.