Who Do You Blame?
Who is to blame for the mess this world is in? Who is to blame for our youth running wild and parenting themselves?
Who is to blame for pollution and racism and pornography and alcoholism and crack babies and children born with Aids?
Who is to blame for the homeless people and the children who are "forgotten"in their parent's cars and bake to death in the brutal heat?
Who is to blame for wars about God? Who is to blame for kids having guns and road rage and that young man who committed suicide and the teenage girl on her second child? Who is to blame for land mines and severed arms and legs?
Who is to blame for fish we can't eat and the rise in diabetes, heart disease and strokes?
Who is to blame for the anorexic to the obese, for the forest fires that rage for weeks and destroy 1000s of acres that leave animals homeless?
Who is to blame for men who beat their woman and woman who hate themselves so much they stay.
Who is to blame for the elderly being sent to homes where our loved ones are neglected?
Who is to blame for you being put here on earth right here, right now? Who is to blame?
Blaming is easy!
We hear people say “it's not my fault" all the time. If it is never your fault, then whose fault is it?
No one is ever totally blameless! Did you know that when we blame others it’s actually an act of self defence? When in defence mode, we become guarded, and when one is guarded, all communication stops. We no longer hear what the other person is saying. Instead, our brain is scrambling to come up with excuses.
Alternatively, when one accepts responsibility for their actions, this becomes an act of accountability. Taking Responsibility for what is directly under our command and control, allows us to regain our Power!
When we blame others, we become a victim. We live in fear of "being caught" and we waste a whole lot of energy hiding from others and ourselves.
Who have you been assigning blame too? Is it someone other than yourself?
Are you someone who is constantly late for work? Hey it’s not your fault that traffic has increased by 5%? But what if you decided to take responsibility for this anyway? What would it look like? Perhaps you could leave 20 minutes earlier than you do right now. I hear you already," That's not fair,Frankie, why should I have to wake up earlier?" Good question, Why should you?
Think about this for a moment. Every day that you arrive late to work, it costs your employer money. Is that fair to them? Is it fair to the people who are waiting for your part to be done so that they can do theirs? Is it fair to the customers who have to wait outside until you arrive?
When you take responsibility for your actions, it means that you give yourself choices and you take back your Power!! Taking Responsibility actually gives you Freedom.
You get to decide what is acceptable to you about your own actions and what you are willing to accept from others. You decide how you wish to live your life- with honour and integrity or in fault and blame. Taking responsibility is a good way to begin to forgive others, and see a situation from a fresh perspective.
Wouldn't you rather be in the Drivers SEAT and steer the car than be a passenger for the rest of your life? Doesn't that sound good for a change?
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Imagine, all of the power we give away daily, by assigning blame to others? When you blame others, you are literally saying that your hands are tied. There was nothing you could do to change the outcome. However, thats not really true, is it? You had choices, you just chose wrong. Instead of arguing with your employer about something they feel is not right, fix it! Take responsibility!
What would happen if you decided that you were going to STOP blaming others for your poor work output, low marks, your smoking or alcoholism, losing your job, your procrastination, your tardiness, rude behaviour, gambling, your messy room, your poor memory?
What if you made it a point to take responsibility and learn about nutrition and what constitutes a good choices when it comes to what you put in your mouth? How about deciding that tobacco not only hurts you, but those around you.
Do you think your life might change if you decided to drink responsibly and not drive when you are under the influence?
What if you took responsibility for your perpetual tardiness, and found out that you might actually be able to keep a job for longer than a month or two.
You are a wonderful biomechanical machine that is capable of so much. Yes YOU! .
Stop blaming others and reach for your Power so you can be anything you choose. Take responsibility! Fear cannot exist for you because no one can accuse you of anything. You already acknowledged what you did. You Beat them to the punch, and you know what? It wasn’t even scary.
You need never worry that things won't be done because you know that you can count on yourself to do them.
Start taking responsibility for those things that are yours and let others learn to pick up the weight of their own responsibility.
Be careful here! Don't become ‘over responsible’. Some things are not your responsibility, like Aids or the Wars in the Middle East for instance. However, you can help mitigate the spread of Aids by using condoms and racism by being tolerant of others. You can influence others by your actions. That is your responsibility as well. Lead by example. Take responsibility for those things that you can change, and do what you can for those you cannot.
How can you take responsibility in your life right now?
o Stop playing the Victim and start seeing yourself as someone who has the Power to choose their future.
o Volunteer in your community and change someone else's life
o Be Impeccable in word and deed
o Become someone dependable and trustworthy
o Take Pride in all that you do.
Learn to Love yourself, again - yes -again. All children love themselves in the beginning. It isn't until we grow up and are bombarded with negative messaging that we doubt our perfection!
Be Responsible and Choose Power!!!
One person can make a difference in their own life. One person can make a difference in the life of another person. One person can make a difference in the life of many people, and ONE person can change the course of History. The power of one person who decided to take responsibility can and is, an awesome thing.
Medical student | Co-founder & CEO of Vantage Foundation | Serving and Advocating for change in underprivileged communities
1yThis is very insightful Frankie Picasso. Blaming others usually seems like the easy way out and we don’t hold ourselves accountable. Getting stuck in cycles of blaming others is as good as no progress. Thank you for sharing❤️
Business and Executive Coach | HR Professional | Change Agent | Your thinking partner. Here to support your growth and prosperity through curiosity and sharing insights, perspectives and wisdom. 🎯🚀
1yFrankie Picasso Indeed! See it too often - anybody but me and a pointed finger at the ready. Taking responsibility is so key... for the hurt or injury or state created - for what the impact was - not the intent. it doesn't mean everything was in your control. If you at least start there, acknowledge the hurt caused, you own part of it, and go from there to learn, well there is no blame. It is a positive learning moment, an opportunity to change, and a recognition of your own place in it all. Thank you.