Who the hell is KIM
Who the hell is KIM?
It could be Kim Wilde. It could be Kim Kardashian. It could be Kim Diesel (ok, I ran out of Kim’s). It also shows my age that I thought of Kim Wilde before the creation that is Kardashian. To be fair I haven’t even checked the spelling as I assumed Word would know them.
No, the KIM I am talking about is the all-important but partly unknown, more than likely misunderstood and also misinterpreted Knowledge and Information Management. The 'and' in the middle is all important as you will find out the more you dig into its meaning.
We all know that data is incredibly important in the social housing sector, and that as a whole the management and use of data is not great. The message is now crystal clear from the likes of the regulator and the Ombudsman. Data needs to be taken seriously and there will be consequences as a landlord if you don’t ensure sound data management and governance.
Here's where KIM comes in.
But first a little point to make.
Getting your data tidy and my pet hate ‘cleansed’ is not enough. It is nowhere near enough.
You see, with data comes knowledge, but also great rafts of information. Personally I have argued (albeit in my own head) that the I in KIM should be insight rather than information, but that’s for another day. The point is that the management of knowledge and also information gives you insight. Insight into your customers, their behaviour (good and bad). It presents trends and it can even predict. Look at rent analytics, an ever increasing tool in fighting arrears. This is a form of KIM. You are using algorithms and technology to analyse and predict patterns. This is all about knowledge. It is all about information and it certainly provides insight.
For example, when landlords have failed in the areas of compliance, it is routinely related to data, knowledge and information management. When communication goes awry, it can quite often be linked to poor information at the hands of the advisor. And so on the story goes.
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Hopefully you now have a small inkling as to what KIM is, not who.
I would however hope that to help you build your own strategy you should look at attending the Hive Live, an event on the 25th September. I'll be speaking at it, but for very little investment you will get some great rewards.
And by the way.......Kim Wilde beats Kim K any day!