Who You Know vs. What You Know
The saying goes, 'It's who you know, not what you know!' This highlights the importance of networking and building relationships, which can often open doors to valuable opportunities. While opinions may vary, both networking and knowledge acquisition have their distinct advantages in shaping one's journey to success.
What you know is important! Learning and knowledge allow us to be better prepared to take on new experiences and roles. Learning helps us develop perspectives, improve our reasoning skills, and gain confidence. There are numerous ways to gain knowledge, such as conducting research, reading books, asking questions, engaging with peers, and continuing to learn after our school days are over. Factual information helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves decision-making, enhances personal development, strengthens cognitive skills, and much more.
At Parsons, we firmly believe in fostering a welcoming culture where growth and communication within our teams are not just encouraged but celebrated. Our dedication to employee development is paramount, as we prioritize continuing education and devote time to nurturing our employees' success. We understand that a supportive environment is essential for personal and professional growth, and we are committed to providing the resources and support necessary for our team members to thrive.
Who you know is also important! The importance of networking is seen in our everyday lives. It involves meeting new people who may share a common interest, profession, or hobby and building a beneficial relationship. The friends you’ve made, your family members, former classmates, and coworkers are all examples of people in your network.
It is just as important to network in your personal life as it is in your professional life. Building connections with coworkers or those in your industry may open doors to new opportunities and new relationships. These are the people you build trust with; they are learning your strengths, the ways you work best, your communication style, and more. These individuals could be the ones securing you a connection at your dream company or the ones helping you land that next role. It is never too late to start networking!
Here are a few ways to begin adding to your network:
Building your network is just as important as maintaining it. You never know when you may need someone’s support and guidance; ensuring you maintain your relations sets you up for success during those times. Occasionally check in, ask how they are, offer your help, share new opportunities, grab lunch, or just simply say hello. By maintaining your network, you reinforce relationships while showing you value their time.
It is important to recognize the significance of both your knowledge and your connections. Use your knowledge (what you know) to expand your network (who you know). Start growing your network today! Take advantage of the opportunities around you - you never know what it might lead to.
PS – We’re hiring! Check out some of our Hot Jobs today. The diverse list of opportunities allows us to meet customers’ needs, protect our communities, and achieve success in a competitive space. Take the time to explore positions tailored to your interests, while also providing you the opportunity to leverage and apply your skills in turn contributing to the overall success of the company.
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Proposal Senior Manager| Principle| Business Development at Khatib & Alami
1yWell said m, network is net worth
Deputy Program Manager at Parsons Corporation
1yThis is great! I would add "who knows you!" This requires leaving an impression.
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