Be who you are!
My friend Parul and I have known each other for a little over 4 years now. Happy in her perfect world, she is blessed with a loving, supportive husband and a super talented daughter. Doing good in her career as well, she is one happy soul.
One odd day, she called and was crying. She was upset for her little angel who is 9 now is suddenly very aggressive and has started replying back.
She shared with me her daughter’s handwriting. Too many angles added to a perfect cursive round handwriting is definitely a sign of passive aggression. The other thing that caught my attention were her communication letters. They were getting squeezed, signalling that she is finding it hard to express herself.
This made me ask for samples of Parul and her husband. Once I had access to that, it was clear. The issue was not with the child but with the building tension between the parents, stressing the child out.
The little child did not know how to communicate to the parents, she was hurt. I asked the little one, she said, I am scared if my Papa will leave my mother, she keeps picking fight with him.
Papa looks tired these days, he forgot my lollies twice this week. I don’t like when they fight. I don’t like my food and my friends too.
Parul’s desire to be a perfect partner for her husband, a good parent and competent at work has taken a toll on Parul. 3 face to face and 5 months of successful handwriting guidance and today I received a Thank you note from Mr. Parul.
“Dear Shrruti,
We’d love to take you out for dinner this weekend, Mr. Parul is very happy to see how your little help has made Mrs. Parul confident and graceful. The anxiety and the pressure to do more has eased out so much. Parul is so much more happy and content. Jr. Parul is picking on her mother and that is all I always wanted.
Would you mind helping me too, now? I mean, are you good having male clients too?
Regards - Mr. Parul
Sincere effort and love is all it takes to make a happy customer. Here is what made me ‘closeup smile’
2x TEDx Speaker | Josh Talks Speaker | S.AVP Digital Analytics | Leadership Coach | 40 under 40 Winner | Author |Gen Ai
5yAmazingly articulated
Founder@Digi Acai - SEO Agency Trusted by Best D2C Brands in India | Goldman Sachs 10K Women Program Alumni - IIM-Bangalore | Guest Speaker - KR Mangalam,Poornima University, D2C Insider, CMO Program IIM-Indore
5ythis is a very nice read and an eye opener.. how small things can impact children so much.. and this is why I started a community on Parent Wellness.. because parents well-being is important.. only a happy parent can raise a happy baby!
Founder,CEO & CRO @ | Product Strategy & Workforce Engagement Specialist | Consulting for Expansion in Southeast Asia | Knowlarity & Prudential | Travel Enthusiast | Painter | Numerology Expert | Cricketer
5yBrilliant Shrruti.