Whose Legacy Are You Living?
I was blessed to provide this message today at Community of Hope in Sidney, Ohio.
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:9-13, NIV)
This is the Word of God for His children.
Thanks be to God
Good morning and Happy Father’s Day. You may remember that, when I spoke back on Mother’s Day, I commented how I really don’t like preaching on Mother’s and Father’s Day? Well, you guessed, it, it’s Father’s Day and I am back. Lucky me, right?
My own father passed away just about 10 years ago. It’s hard to believe that it has been that many years. There’s a story often told about boys and their dads. You know, the one about, how when you’re little, your dad knows and can do anything and you want to be just like him. He’s Superman! But then you hit those teen years and he doesn’t know anything … and eventually you come back around to seeing his wisdom and then you miss your father greatly in your own later years when he’s no longer living.
Famous author and humorist Mark Twain said it like this – “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
Of course, I don’t know exactly what your journey has been with your own earthly father. Maybe you consider him to be the greatest thing since sliced bread … or maybe not. Maybe he was a wonderful guy who put you on a great path toward all of God’s best for your life. Or maybe he really truly was just a difficult person, a jerk even, fighting his own battles so great that he never had time for you. Or maybe you never even knew your father. Maybe he passed away or exited your life on his own accord before you even got a chance to know him.
I don’t know what your story is. My own story with my dad has a funny side that seems to pop up more and more often these days. You see, for many years, I worked side by side with my father and also with my closest friend from college days. The three of us jointly ran a business and oftentimes my friend and I would joke together about some of my dad’s quirks or sometimes we’d complain about some of the not-so-great aspects of his personality. The funny thing is that, now that he's gone, my remaining business partner and I often look at each other and laugh, knowing that something I say perhaps as a joke or in a meeting is exactly what my father would have said.
Fact is, as we age, I think that a good number of us start to see aspects of our parents in ourselves. Do you ever do that? You say or do something and think “Wow, that’s exactly what my mom or dad would have said or done”? Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but we see them in ourselves sometimes, don’t we?
Of course, there are some passages in scripture that talk about generational sin and future generations dealing with the iniquities – the poor behavior – of their forefathers. Fact is, poor behavior can become generational, and future generations in a family may find themselves having to deal with the fallout of the sinfulness or mistakes of family members older than themselves.
Family reputation or legacy can be a difficult thing, can’t it? I’ve known men who even changed their last names, hoping to escape the mistakes of their fathers. They didn’t want to be held down by a poor reputation or other things that their own fathers may have left behind and their best solution to that was to just deny him and his name altogether.
Don’t get too hung up on the sins of our fathers though. Jeremiah 31:29-30 tells us this:
“In those days they shall say no more: The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the teeth of the children are sent on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that shall eat the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.”
The Message translation of the Bible puts it this way:
“When the time comes you won’t hear the old proverb anymore: Parents ate the green apples, their children get the stomachache. “No, each person will pay for his own sin. You eat the green apples, you’re the one who gets sick.”
So, sure, we watch our parents, we learn from our parents, and oftentimes, whether we intend to or not, we find that we copy our parents, both good and bad. But scripture makes it clear – we are responsible for only our own mistakes – for only the sour apples we eat – not the sour apples or poor behavior of our parents.
Of course, sometimes legacies can be restored, can’t they? Maybe something bad happens in a family and maybe years later it gets made right.
I heard a really cool story recently about 98-year-old Opal Lee in Fort Worth, Texas. When she was a young girl – this would have been around 1940 I guess -- her family had worked and bought a house in a nice though predominately white neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas. Hers was a black family and her parents worked hard to get the house all fixed up so it would be a great place to raise their family but, not too long after they moved in, on June 19th, a crowd began to gather at their home. These folks were not happy that a black family had moved into their neighborhood. While the police stood nearby and did nothing to help Opal Lee’s family, the crowd destroyed their home, threw out the furniture, and burned the house to the ground.
Her family fled the area and never really talked about the incident after that. They could have let that despicable incident smolder in their hearts and create anger and bitterness. In fact, I can’t imagine that that wasn’t the case with at least some family members for many years.
A couple of years ago, though, Opal Lee wanted closure so she looked up the address of where her family’s destroyed home had once stood. She found that it was a vacant lot and, what’s more, it was owned by Habitat for Humanity. She contacted Habitat and asked if she could buy the lot. They replied quickly that, no, she couldn’t, but they’d give it to her. And what’s more, they built a free house on it, a house that Opal recently moved into.
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It was a family’s story of hurt and pain, at least somewhat restored through the kindness and generosity of others. And through Opal Lee not being closed off by bitterness but seeking restoration. You see, she could have had a heart so full of anger and bitter that, even 80 years later, she refused to accept what was offered to her. And I can’t say that I would have blamed her for that. But she didn’t. She accepted the restoration and hope of a better future.
What would be really cool though would be if I could tell you that the folks who worked on building her new house were descendants of those who had burned down her family’s house. Of course, who knows? That probably isn’t the case but it would sure be great if it was … if I could tell you the good news of a renewed legacy in the hearts and families of those who did something terrible 80 or more years ago when they burned down Opal’s family’s home.
Anyway, stories like that .. stories of change – a neighborhood that 80 years ago drove a family out of town but now rallies and builds Miss Opal a new house – those stories bring us hope, don’t they?
You know, the Bible tells us that we’re made in God’s image, doesn’t it? Genesis 1:27 states it clearly:
“So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”
If God made you and me in His image, then I have to think that He wants us to be His legacy. He didn’t make us in His image so that we could reflect the opposite of what He is to the world, did He? Of course not! He wants us to reflect His love, His hope, His restoration, His beauty to the world.
But, of course, oftentimes, we fall short. And sometimes it is indeed whole earthly families and generations that fall short and rather than show God’s hope and promise to the world, they reflect the world’s sinfulness and the world’s downfall.
But legacies can change, can’t they? In fact, each one of us, through what we do today, can and likely will impact what we leave behind or how our children, or our friends, or other family members, even our coworkers at our jobs, behave in the future.
We can be the ones who introduce the legacy of God our heavenly Father to our friends, families, coworkers, and others, right?
Matthew, in the 23rd chapter of his Gospel, attributes Jesus with saying this:
“And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,” for you have one Father, and He is in heaven.”
Right here, God tells us that, in reality, we have only one Father – and it is Him – the One whose legacy we are to carry on.
It’s wonderful of course if your earthly father or you parents left you in the midst of a great and Godly legacy that you can carry on and even pass on to your children but, if not, here’s the good news! We don’t have to be stuck in the bad legacy of our parents just because that may be what they left us! Because the legacy that God, who made you in His image, wants you to have and wants you to carry on, is His legacy, His story, His message! He absolutely 100% does NOT want any of us to be shackled or held back by the mistakes of our forefathers.
And God, having made you in His own image, wants you to carry His love and hope into the world. The only thing that you, as a dear child of God, have to identify with is God. Fact is, whenever we try to model our lives after any human being, we will be held back by the frailties and flaws of humans. We are all sinners, right? So that is why we need to make every effort to move toward God, not toward someone on earth. Every effort to be like God, not to be like some flawed human.
Who knows, maybe what’s holding us back from being all God wants us to be is strictly our own doing. Maybe it has nothing to do with our parents or another human at all. Maybe we’re the ones who tell ourselves that we’re not good enough, that we ARE nothing more than our addictions and habits, that we can NEVER overcome our humanity
But God frees us from that! He frees us from our pasts and He frees us to live for Him. You are no longer a slave to fear. You are no longer a slave to jealousy and envy. You are no longer a slave to any habit that pulls you away from God. You are no longer a slave to hate or distrust of others. You are a child of God and He wants YOU to be His legacy!
I remember hearing a story once of a man on his deathbed. His time was near so he called his children together and, in a soft voice, he told them something like this: “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to give you all the things you wanted in life. I’m sorry that too often I acted out of my own selfish desires rather than out of love for you. But, now I want to be sure that you have the gift of our Savior. The best legacy I can leave behind is already yours if you will just accept Jesus as your Savior.”
My friends, I don’t know what your past has been like. Maybe your parents implanted you with God’s legacy from the beginning. Or maybe they didn’t. Or maybe they did and you strayed. It makes no difference to God. From now on, though, you’re free of your past … and you can live for God and for His legacy. Everything that you ever wanted your earthly Father to be is what our Heavenly Father is for us. You can start His legacy flowing through your life today.
I read something not too long ago that went like this … “A worthwhile legacy is not if the world remembers you upon your death, but whether your death reminds the world of God.”
So this becomes our test for life, our test for our actions, our test for our words … do the things we do and say remind the world of God, or do they remind the world of that old, earthly us? Are we living God’s legacy or our own legacy?
Let us pray.
#FathersDay #CommunityofHope #SidneyOhio #Legacy #God
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