Why Can't We Just Say No?
If you follow me on Instagram and TikTok, you may have noticed I lead a seriously unfiltered lifestyle. What comes along with the unfiltered territory is showing off my personal opinions and beliefs on experiences I have (primarily in business) that I showcase to inspire anyone to hit send or follow up with that potential lead that may turn into a job.
There's a fine line between borderline harassment and following up. There's an even finer line between posting too much online and posting just enough personality and personal experiences to entice a new or existing audience.
Since rejection has always been viewed as redirection to me, I made a series online called bad business vs. good business where I frequently call people who have rejected my ideas or GrasshoppHer sponsorships (never without disclosing who I am at the beginning of the call!) or people who have ghosted me in business to show you that it ain't so scary.
Each time I post one of these videos and see so many comments come in, I'm always intrigued by who views these videos as borderline harassment and who views these videos as what my intention is: inspiring content. If there's anyone who is getting embarrassed here it's yours truly!
After countless years of rejection for certain ideas, because rejection is part of the territory if you're in the business field, my overall feeling is that you should simply reject someone, not string them along or avoid answering emails. In my last video which you can watch here, I received a plethora of negative comments from people (who I've never met :) asking why I'm annoying people who don't email me back.
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You may think my asking why I've been rejected is rude, but I don't think your not replying to my email is rude. I think if you replied and said no in the first place I wouldn't have to ask you why you're ghosting me, but business is like dating. Sometimes you'll get a reply and sometimes you won't. I just want an answer.
The moral of these videos: It's harder to reach the "top" if you avoid confrontation or avoid hearing the word "no" because you're scared of your feelings being hurt. Get over it, get the answer you need, and find your next yes.
Stay fearless or die trying,