why cyber attack and illegal mining on 21 century
Data breaches, cyber-attacks and privacy violations have become commonplace. Yet despite the body of
academic literature and media stories concerning these events, there exist no rigorous research that examines a large sample of incidents in order to properly assess the risk and trends of these events.Therefore, using a unique data set of over 12,000 cyber incidents recorded over the years 2004 and 2015,
we conduct a thorough analysis of these incidents and examine the costs and composition of these events, by industry, and over time.
This analysis is expected to help inform three main stakeholders: private sector firms, insurance companies, and policy makers. Private sector firms will better understand the risks they face when collecting personal information and operating IT networks that are publicly accessible. Insurance companies can better estimate the risks of their insureds in order to foster a healthy cyber insurance market, and policy makers will better understand the context and impact of these cyber events across industry, and time. Throughout this research, we distinguish between four types of cyber events: data breaches (unauthorized disclosure of personal information), security incidents (malicious attacks directed at a company), privacy violations (alleged violation of consumer privacy), and phishing/skimming incidents(individual financial crimes).
What is illegal mining
in order to determine statutory liability for health and safety obligations at mines one should distinguish between three classes of
mines: a) a mine that is lawfully being worked; b) a mine that is not being worked but in respect of which no closure certificate has been issued; and c) a mine that is not being worked and in respect
of which a closure certificate has been issued and a mine placed under liquidation.
Cyber-attack and illegal mining increase day to day.
Cyber-attack is simple is where by the virus be spread using software this is based on developed countries and illegal mining based in Africa but both why most people attempt all of this to acquire quick cash. But cyber-attack based on how human mind cause revolution and illegal mining based on how human being power and poverty cause revolution.
Cyber-attack due to the right research will increase more as time go.
Right scenario of prevent cyber-attack base on cloud storage due to the wall of protection of data.
Traditional computer it’s easy to steal information compare on cloud computing. Most to avoids this damage hdd completely before you handle a pc to the second user. Its serous where by inside job lead for people to access data from the company... avoid connect people over wi-fi with no enough security measure
Mostly illegal mining take place because of poor situation and data breach happen due to the test and penetration
But the questions is how does the government will step on?
I would like to hear your opinion because we need to make the world a better place to live and not to worry