Why everyone wants to work in mental health
Recently, I've been getting queries from across the internet from those who want to work in mental health. At first blush, this seems great! Mental health has finally arrived--the stigma has lifted, people want to get involved, say things out loud, become advocates and live their passion. Or so it might seem.
Unfortunately, I think the underlying reason everyone wants to work in mental health is because they're suffering. Because many workplaces are toxic. Because they're overworked, their boss is a narcissist, they're having anxiety dreams, their work/life is out of balance or they're looking for a way out.
They fear they're sacrificing their health and longevity for a job, and they just aren't sure they can take it anymore.
My colleague, the national director of workplace mental health at the Canadian Mental Health Association, recently led a webinar for Charity Village on what makes a mentally healthy workplace. With very little promotion, the webinar registration shot way over capacity, filled all 1,000 slots and landed almost 4,000 people on the waiting list. A webinar about mental health in the not-for-profit workplace had almost 5,000 people sign up for it!
This could mean that this is a hot topic.
Or, it could mean that everyone who works in a not-for-profit is nearing burnout, feeling stressed, and falling victim to the reality that not-for-profit work usually means that there is too much to do, and too few resources to do it.
Maybe rather than everyone looking to work in mental health, we should be focusing on bringing mental health to work.
Creating opportunities for meaningful living through knowledge mobilization, adult education, & change management.
5yGreat read! Thank you for the insightful information on the need for moving towards mentally healthy workplaces as mental health becomes a growing concern in many workplaces.
I help people gain more freedom of time, finances, relationships, and purpose by building up people,low rise, mid-rise and mid-sized developments & software development which makes us a 20:1 profit to real estate income
5yInsightful read , I saw personal fitness in the same light; by default stay healthy and aware of fitness and get paid to do so. Same goes with mental health job in my eyes ...and apparently the eyes of many others :)
David Grauwiler is a key leader in the promotion of mental health in Alberta and Canada
5yGreat article! Thank you!