Why I support Israel

Why I support Israel

It is a contentious subject that has divided western society and created challenges for nations to address the conflict effectively. Here is why I support Israel in the conflict.

The war in Gaze is a tragedy that has resulted in thousands of innocent lives lost and that is a tragedy, but to paint it as a wholly unique situation is misleading. I would point out that in 2021 the United States saw over 48,000 people die from Gun violence and since 2014 the death count has been consistently over 39,000.

The toxic drug crisis, which is global, in 2021 alone is estimated to have killed over 600,000 people - over 106,000 in the United States alone. While war is terrible and innocent lives lost tragic, I find it highly hypocritical that there is such outrage for those lives lost and barely any recognition of the millions of people killed every year by gun violence, the drug crisis, and more.

Israel and the Jewish Peoples have spent the last several thousand years being persecuted. It is well documented history, not just biblical, but proven. For thousands of years they were persecuted by the Egyptians, Syrians, Ottomans, and Christians. During both WWI and in particular WWII - they were heavily persecuted and over 6 million were murdered. In his conquest and murderous rampage Hitler also had the blessing of the head of the German church. To deny the systematic persecution of the Jewish people for centuries is to deny not only their history, but the history of almost every nation on the planet. If you want to know why the west stands so firmly with Israel, read on.

During WWII the western alliance nations, Canada included, turned ships full of Jewish refugees away, many being sent back to Europe and ended up in the very concentration camps that they were fleeing. The western powers did nothing to stop the persecution until after Germany invaded Poland, but even then the refugee ban was not lifted. Had the west acted sooner it is very likely that there would have been far more survivors, our inaction resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent Jews and others that did not fit the narrative of those in power.

After WWII ended the western powers, with cooperation from the eastern bloc (USSR), created the state of Israel. A nation that has proven to have existed in the time of Ancient Egypt and on land that was ruled by the Roman Empire for 2000 years, the Ottoman Empire for over 700 years, and finally by Great Britain as a part of their global empire. The nation of Israel was created on lands that have been claimed historically for the past 6000 years as the homeland of the Jewish People. A claim that is supported by evidence founds in the records of ancient empires that existed throughout that time like the Egyptians, Syrians, and even the Mesopotamians reference the land of Israel (which they ruled over) and reference King David as the King of the Jewish people.

Never mind that the Jewish faith is actually the foundational faith of both Christianity and Islam.

Both recognize the old testament and the biblical stories told within. Moses, King David, and other historical figures play a direct role in the belief system and doctrine of both Christianity and the Muslim Faith. The greatest divergence is not between the Jewish faith and others, rather is between Islam and Christianity. For Christians in particular we must remember this, Jesus was raised as Jewish, and he held true to the teaching of the old testament in his own teachings (to be clear as well, the Romans killed Jesus, not the Jewish people).

So why does this all cause me to support Israel?

The first thing to acknowledge is that there are Muslim nations that, given the opportunity, would relish the opportunity to completely wipe out the Jewish People. We also need to acknowledge that many Christians also participate in anti-semitism using the Jewish people as a scapegoat for much of the worlds problems. Something that has been resurgent in the past decade, and even more so today, and is exactly in line with the same arguments made by the Nazi's in their effort to do exactly what many wish for today. We are seeing the exact same rise in populism around the world that led us to WWII, and once again the Jewish people are being targeted in this fanaticism that is gripping western society.

To be clear, I do not advocate for the death of any innocent, but let's consider a few things.

I am a gay man and would be either jailed for life, or put to death, in almost every single Muslim nation on earth. Hamas has been very clear that they oppose any rights outside of rights as dictated by Islam and Islamic leaders.

To all the purple haired, non binary, gender fluid, transgender, women, and other people who are opposed to Israel - remember that the nation you are protesting is the only one in the middle east that provides constitutional protections for the freedoms that you enjoy living in Canada. If you lived in those Islamic nations, even those who are allied with us, you would have a fraction of the human rights that you do today. Your freedom of movement is restricted if you are a woman, you have almost no freedom of speech, and many of the day to day rights that you enjoy - do not exist in these other nations.

Muslim nations today are the only nations that have strict death penalties for LGBTQ people, practice female genital mutilation, where women cannot vote, drive, or in some cases even leave their homes without a male family member escorting them. Women and Children are the "property" of the males in the family and cannot have bank accounts, jobs, own property, and more without permission. An outdated notion that the west eliminated 100 years ago. Women are stoned, gang raped, and more with little to no consequences for their attackers and are seen as having less 'value' than livestock.

I simply cannot support a people, or a culture, that actively suppresses the rights of others or calls for the destruction of an entire people. This is diametrically opposed to all we stand for in the western world. This is not a war about people, this is a war about protecting western democratic and human rights principles - nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, children are truly innocents - but we should also remember that they are taught from an early age that the Jewish people / Israel State are mortal enemies and in direct opposition of Islam. They are also actively taught that the "west" (USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, etc.) are the enemies and there have been many calls over the years for "Jihad" (called a Holy War in the west) advocating for the complete and total destruction of our society.

How could I possibly support that? How could anyone actively support the notion that our way of life is to be destroyed?

This extremism is not just isolated to Islam with many others also holding the notion that the Jewish people are responsible for the world's woes. The truth? They have been a scapegoat for thousands of years and continue to be vilified today. Not because there is any merit to the arguments, rather simply because they exist.

The Palestinian people, like all people, want self determination and that is valid, but not if it comes at the expense of other people's inherent right to the same. The middle east is a vast land mass, the fight over the land that is Israel has nothing to do with the land, it is all about religious persecution and the destruction of an entire people. A people whose faith birthed and forms the foundation of both Christianity and Islam. A people who today and for thousands of years, have been persecuted, tortured and millions upon millions killed simply for their religious beliefs.

That is why I stand with Israel. Not because I support the war, but because I believe in the freedoms that Israel protects as the only democratic nation surrounded by monarchies and dictatorships that actively suppress even the basic human rights I enjoy as a Canadian.

We, as a society in the west, need to stand firm in our beliefs because without them our rights are not worth the paper they are written on.

I stand with Israel.

Paul Therien

Founder, and CEO Haystax Financial Inc. Group of Companies


Syed, the circumstances are complex and nuanced. As a member of a highly marginalized segment of humanity where my very existence is seen as wrong... I have to consider the broader circumstances. Israel is a multi cultural society that is premised on the same foundations that Canada is. There are very, very, few nations on earth that enshrine cultural identity in their constitution, Israel is the only country east of the red sea that does. Even the USA does not as they expect assimilation to American society. 2 million Muslims are citizens of Israel and practice freely. I'm not defending the death of innocents, it's never OK. What is happening in the middle east is terrible, but not just in Gaza. There are far, far, fewer Jewish people (15 million) than there are Muslims (1.9billion), Christians(2.5B), Buddhists(0.5B), Hindu (1.2B), or almost any other religion. They make up 0.02% of humanity. WWII killed 6 million of 9.5 million Jews in Europe alone. There is over 6000 years of persecution against Jews recorded, that is 4700 years longer than Islam has existed as a religion, and 4000 longer than Christianity. That's a long time to live in fear as a people. Something none if us can relate too.

Syed Shah

Past President FLPD at Liberal Party of Canada in BC & Owner/President of 2% Westview Realty


Good day to you Paul. All sounds good. CAUSE and EFFECT and that's where some focus should be directed. How does anyone justify GENOCIDE ? or put it that way, how does one find PEACE when there is no FAIRNESS ? Curious ? We all know the past and will not hash it out. We all know that G7 had zero enemies in Middle East until 1948. Done is done. Remember, control the narrative and control the outcome and that's what is happening. Cooler and Sane minds must prevail. Some of the things you sighted are open to interpretation and not fact based, however positive dialogue is always healthy and that's what we all need. There is never or should ever be a reason for conducting GENOCIDE PERIOD and that's where I disagree with Israel's REACH of insanity.


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