Why Men and Women Are Held To Very Different Standards, and Women Are Still Punished
Part of Kathy Caprino's new Forbes series “The Imperative For Gender Equality Today”
“Fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.”- Emma Watson addressing the United Nations
The Stanford rape case has stunned and mortified our nation, and people around the world are outraged not only at the unusually (and inexplicably) lenient sentence perpetrator Brock Turner received (only six months where the minimum penalty in California for these crimes is two years), but also the way in which he and his own father (now infamously) have discussed and explained away his crimes, and refuse to take accountability for actions that have permanently damaged the victim’s life. Hundreds of women I know and have heard from simply cannot understand how this is where we are today in the U.S., and how this can stand. And the rape victim’s story, so bravely told, has rocked the world.
Sexual violence in the U.S. remains a staggering crisis today – one in six women and one in 33 men in the U.S. have been the victims of attempted or completed rape in their lifetimes, according to Department of Justice figures. Every two minutes, another American is sexually assaulted.
Yet here we are – with another case of assault and rape that results in less-than-acceptable punishment and consequence for the perpetrator. The judge, Aaron Persky, while professing a commitment to, “the prosecution of sexually violent predators,” takes the route of delivering a six-month sentence for Turner, stating, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.” A severe impact? Really? Yes, isn’t that exactly what he deserves, and isn’t that exactly what the rape victim will experience for the rest of her days?
Compelled to learn more about what other women around the country feel about this crisis in our society today, I was riveted when I watched Cheryl Hunter share her personal, powerful take on the situation, on a HLN show recently.
Cheryl is a best-selling author and international speaker about resilience and freeing oneself from the self-imposed captivity that millions face each day. She’s no stranger to captivity; while traveling abroad as a teenager, she was abducted by two criminals who beat and raped her, and left her for dead. She survived this life-changing event, turned her life around in an inspirational way, and built her own new-found freedom by refusing to stay stuck in “survivor” mode. Now she teaches, consults and speaks on resilience and personal freedom.
I caught up with Cheryl to explore her take on the Stanford rape case and what it reveals in our society:
Kathy Caprino: I watched you speak on TV about the Stanford rape trial verdict controversy. Your words were powerfully and cogently articulated. Thank you so much for speaking up on behalf of all women on the planet, and for all men who understand how to be fully accountable for their actions. For those that didn’t see you live, what was the message you wanted to convey in your interview?
Cheryl Hunter: Many feel this rape trial and verdict are a miscarriage of justice, but, unfortunately, this trial is not unique in that regard. Somehow, rape trials are regarded and conducted differently than any other trial I can think of; rape trials are decided by a woman’s past and a man’s future. Not only will the verdict serve as a deterrent to any future victims coming forward, but the way the defense attorney blamed the victim was inexcusable. Only in a rape trial is the victim guilty until proven innocent, while the assailant enjoys his freedom until he is convicted and sentenced … and scarcely then, in this particular case.
Imagine if this were an attempted murder trial. Could you ever fathom the temerity of haranguing a victim who’d been shot and nearly killed with questions like, “What were you wearing? Were you drinking at the time? Who have you slept with in the past?” The answers to those questions are irrelevant.
We need to stop blaming the rape victim. The global victims’ advocacy group Take Back the Night says one in three women worldwide experiences sexual violence, so at that rate, there’s no statistically-possible way that any of us can remain untouched by the pandemic, no matter what our gender. Because the number of women who are violated is so much more extreme than men, I want to address the gender disparity and why women are typically blamed for unacceptable behavior they’ve received from men.
Caprino: Based on your experience as a rape and assault victim, why do you believe that women are typically blamed for the criminal behavior they’ve received at the hands of men?
Hunter: I think it’s an expression of “slut shaming” in all its facets and forms. By slut shaming, I mean the rampant gender-based myths, damaging stereotypes, and dual standard. Here are some examples we’ve all heard before:
• Men succeed in the workplace because they’re smart and resourceful. Women succeed because they slept their way to the top; because of an HR gender-equality hiring initiative, or because they’re pretty.
• Male politicians are judged on their record and their stance on the issues; female politicians are judged on their looks, fashion sense, and how much they’ve spent on clothing.
• A woman’s appearance is a totally acceptable topic of conversation – which is open for debate by anyone with an opinion on the topic – as is telling her what to do about her appearance: “Smile!”, “Show a little leg!”, or “Don’t cut your hair!” Let’s not forget that Facebook started out as a“hot or not."
• Being single and childless over 35 makes a woman an old maid vs. makes a man the most eligible bachelor in the world.
• When men show extreme emotion like anger, vengeance, or cutthroat competitiveness, it’s because it is simply “part of their primal nature.” When he does so toward a woman, she is blamed for provoking the man’s bad behavior through her actions, words, sexuality, etc. “She was asking for it.” When a woman displays extreme emotion, she’s unstable or “on her period.”
• Perhaps worst of all are the female-based swear words and insults. Being called a derogatory name for a woman’s anatomy is the ultimate insult you can give someone – male or female. What do you think that does for our girls and our boys? It teaches them that being a female is bad; females are disposable, not worthy of human regard. It teaches our boys that a female is someone to use for your own pleasure – even if she is unconscious, naked, and lying behind a dumpster.
Caprino: From your experience, why do you believe society still makes light of rape and other forms of unacceptable (and criminal) behavior in men, yet holds women to a completely different, more punishing standard?
Hunter: I can point to one living example that reveals the underpinnings of this, and two words explain it: Monica Lewinsky. She was made a complete mockery of; she became a joke and a cautionary tale. While Clinton lost a great deal in the aftermath, the blame and hateful recriminations were placed strongly on Lewinsky, not equally on both parties.
It was excruciating to view her TED talk on the price of shame. One of the challenges I see around this intractable crisis is that it’s deep within women’s DNA to know what it’s like to be slut-shamed, and deep within men’s to permit it. Whether women have experienced it first, second, or third-hand; whether we’ve been the one shamed, the one doing the shaming, or simply a witness to the process, the experience is raw and it’s visceral because it’s such a close, real, familiar, every day one, and has been with us for centuries.
Certainly in the professional world we’re still held to different, more punishing standards.
Research from Kmec & Gorman concluded that there are, “stricter performance standards imposed on women, even when women and men hold the same jobs.” Research from Frontiers in Psychology, published by the National Institutes of Health found, “women are held to a higher standard of performance than men.” I coach several women executives today in technology companies where 80-hour workweeks are their norm (but not necessarily the case for their male counterparts). This is more of the same.
Caprino: What do you believe is behind the fact that society keeps us from holding men accountable for the damaging, demeaning things they do to and say about women?
Hunter: It’s simply because we tolerate it. Both men and women tolerate it. Because we bought the myth “that’s just the way it is.” Because we think someone else will or should fix it. Because we don’t speak up and out. We’re in an unspoken collusion about being stuck in this place, and yet, only we can change it. It’s going to take each of us doing something in our own way, within our own sphere of influence.
Blaming the current state of affairs on corporate culture, societal norms, the old-boys’ club, or anything else is a cop-out. In the words of my beloved grandma Josephine, we have to clean up our own house before we can worry about the way anyone else keeps theirs. Robin Wright demanded equal pay to Kevin Spacey for House of Cards, and it hit the national news, but the real question is: are we all being Robin Wright in our own lives? Are we all being as brave, bold, and courageous as this Stanford rape victim who wrote a riveting, powerful, and deeply revealing response that awakened the world to this injustice? Are we all doing what we can where we are? Where do you need to clean up your own house to make that a reality?
Caprino: What limiting mindsets of both men and women get us into this position in the first place?
Hunter: I speak at high schools and colleges throughout the country, and I’ve seen that for many young women, getting a man’s approval is more important than getting their own approval. Unfortunately, that dynamic doesn’t change much as we progress through life, unless we gain awareness of it, and alter it. If we as women can realize that our own approval is more essential than anyone else’s, we will know our own worth. Then we will be less likely to tolerate people and situations where our worth is disregarded or diminished.
Regarding the male mindset, there seems to be an old-guard status quo fighting to “protect what is ours” because they see women as a threat to their sovereignty. Fortunately, the old is butting up against the new era of men who realize the value of true partnership with women in all contexts.
Caprino: Finally, Cheryl, what has your direct, personal experience of rape and assault taught you about this problem?
Hunter: Being abducted, raped, beaten, and left for dead as a teenager completely changed my life. Initially, as you might imagine, I started out as a fierce advocate for women. Along the way, I came to understand that one cannot simultaneously champion women and shun men. That was my personal “house-cleaning moment.” I realized that our relationship is a symbiotic one: if women are suffering, men suffer; if men aren’t flourishing, neither can women.
Our fates are inexorably linked; we either rise together or we fall together.
Good men need good women to thrive and vice versa. As Emma Lazarus wrote, “Until we are all free, we are none of us free.
* * * * * *
I agree wholeheartedly with Cheryl’s views and perspective. And as Joe Biden’s open letter so powerfully shares, this anonymous rape victim’s story and her incredible courage to share it has “…already changed lives. She has helped change the culture, shaken untold thousands out of the torpor and indifference towards sexual violence that allows this problem to continue. Her words will help people she has never met and never will. She has given them the strength they need to fight.”
For more information, visit CherylHunter.com and listen to Cheryl on Best Work/Best Life.
To gain more authority, power, and control in your life and career, visit KathyCaprino.com and The Amazing Career Project.
Educator, Entrepreneur, Vocalist and Violinist
8yThe moe thibgs change, the more they stay the same!
Data Analyst at NYC Board of Elections
8yWow, I think I just read the fabled gender gap quote in here. The way some phrase things, today's young woman is so disenfranchised and disrespected that it's a miracle that women can do anything on their own. I really find this hard to swallow. Outside of some very rare instances where almost every class or group of people can claim they did not get a fair shake, today's young woman in the u.s. Enjoys unprecedented freedom often without the responsibility and accountability for those actions. The very fact that so many women seek to distance themselves from the label of feminist today says a lot about the validity of the movement at this moment in time.
why do women tolerate and get themselves punished?
Sehat Itu Kembali Ke Alam