Why SIS Implementations Seldom Meet Expectations - Reason 4
Part 5 of 7
Reason 4: Pseudo-Investment Guarantee Poor Outcomes
Often the big goal for the new SIS is “optimizing the software” and “reducing maintenance costs.” Unfortunately, no one leading the implementation has a strategy to design how the future campus should look. Stakeholders insist on configuring outdated processes because “we’ve always done it this way.” The new software ends up heavily modified to match old business processes. Along the way, nobody asks students what they need.
Eventually, the software gets shoehorned into place. The school’s technology leaders give conference presentations about how they have “transformed the place.” But, in reality, students, faculty, and staff were moved from one set of outdated, difficult, inefficient, manual, and cumbersome processes to another. There is no real transformation. The school made a pseudo-investment in the future by changing the SIS system but didn’t make any real investment in their sustainability.
What to do?
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