Why tech innovators need a future vision
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This week we’re quoting Amy Peck (Founder and CEO at Endeavour XR)
What Peck said:
“These technologies will impact every aspect of our lives, so it is of the utmost importance that we build a vision for how we’d like to live in the future.”
We agree.
This is fact, not opinion: tech will be a big part of how our societies will function in the future. So tech innovators can have the best possible impact if they’re intentional about the products and services they develop – and how those technologies fit with a bigger vision.
Does that sound simple? Maybe not. But if the notion of having a vision of how you want the world to be (and how you’re going to contribute to it) is a bit of a mystery to you, there are ways to sharpen your focus and widen your imagination – to start building that vision now.
How to build a vision of the future
In our interview with Peck, she said she wants her clients to have an expansive vision of the future.
Look beyond perceived limitations of your skill or your technology, and be optimistic; maybe even a little bit idealistic. To do that, experts in psychology, well-being and business have developed numerous methods to open up your perspective and see the future with more innovative eyes.
Methods like what?
Those methods include…
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Your vision of the future can change with you
You don’t have to decide what your vision is and then stick to it, rigidly, for the rest of your life. Your vision can change as your experience grows, and as you learn more about people whose lives are different from your own.
But a vision – guided by your core values, and expansive enough to include elements that are not yet physically or technologically possible – will enable you to play a positive role in the future of your community, society, and world.
This week we’re also quoting Steven Bartlett (Founder of Social Chain, Podcaster, and TV Personality)
What Bartlett said:
“I’ve never in my life had a plan, per se. And in hindsight, that’s a really important strategy.”
Hold on – should you plan, or should you not?
Bartlett said this on the stage at #LEAP23; to explain how not having a set plan for the future has enabled him to think fast and be agile, acting on the opportunities that arise in any given moment.
And just like having a vision is good advice, not being too attached to your plan is also good advice in an uncertain and fast-changing world.
A future vision isn’t a fixed plan
So let’s be clear: a vision and a long-term plan are not the same thing.
Your vision is how you truly want things to be. And to achieve it, you can adapt your strategy whenever you need to. You’ll make plans along the way, but don’t attach yourself too tightly to them: be willing to flow with the river of change.
Watch the video: The quest for the next big thing with Steven Bartlett
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