Why Is Work-Life Balance SO Unattainable?
🔥The burning career question of the week:
The Internet is filled with tips and tricks on how I am supposed to be a superstar at work and on-point in every aspect of my personal life. But if work-life balance is so simple, why is it sooooo unattainable?
Great question! Well …
👎 Work-life balance is so unattainable because it doesn’t exist—It is a myth.
Our personal lives and our work lives overlap. Our personal engagement impacts our professional pursuits and vice versa.
The term “balance” implies our work and personal lives are equally weighted in importance, and “achieving work-life balance” suggests we can create and maintain a perfect equilibrium between the two.
This is simply not possible.
Our roles and priorities constantly change, so even if we achieve “balance,” it can quickly disappear. Caring for a sick loved one vs. finishing a critical work assignment are both important in different ways; however, one might take precedence over the other depending on time and circumstance.
Attempting to achieve work-life balance sets us up for failure, leaving little room for blurred lines between commitments and changes in priorities.
So, what is the solution?
🌟 It about work-life BLEND...
...building a BLEND that supports your well-being, enhances professional performance, and builds meaningful connections across all sectors of your life is key.
Here are a few tips on how to create work-life BLEND.
➡ Get crystal clear on your priorities. Envision your life goals and be honest with yourself on whether your priorities and your life goals align.
💡Pro Tip: Revisit this priority exercise regularly. It will help you become more agile to the fluctuations in roles and role responsibilities.
➡ Understand how your energy is fueled and depleted. Complete your most challenging priorities during periods of peak energy.
💡Pro Tip: Many people exercise first thing in the morning because this is often when energy levels are at their highest. However, the morning may also be when you have peak mental performance. On days when you have mentally challenging priorities, consider rearranging your exercise schedule to tap into your peak mental performance.
➡ Set boundaries. Since you have already gotten clear on your top priorities (at the moment), and how these priorities impact your energy throughout the day, use your priorities to shape your boundaries.
💡Pro Tip: Flexible does not mean ignored or avoided. Setting boundaries takes time and fortitude, but ultimately, you’re accountable for yourself!
➡ Make choices. Reflect on how you feel at the end of each day. Do the activities you devote your time to align with your priorities and resonate with your authentic self? Before taking on new responsibilities, ask yourself:
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💡Pro Tip: Since your roles, responsibilities, and boundaries continue to shift, ensure you are openly and regularly communicating with your support system.
➡ Find your community. Cultivate relationships with people who inspire you. Hanging around with people who offer emotional support and diverse perspectives reinforces your mental and physical energies.
💡Pro Tip: Implement a strategy to continuously nurture your support circle and build this strategy into your flexible priorities.
➡ Create habits. Use available tools and resources to find your flow.
💡Pro Tip: Purposely reflect on and revise your work-life BLEND.
Reframing your mindset from work-life balance to work-life BLEND will not happen overnight. But it WILL happen! Stop trying to attain the unattainable.
👉 Instead, ask yourself …
How can I ditch the “balance” myth and create a more favorable work-life BLEND?
If you’re ready to work together to improve your work-life BLEND, book a DISCOVERY CALL!
Until next Friday, thanks for reading!
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🔥If you have a burning career question for me to address, submit HERE.
About Heather:
Heather is an award-winning career coach + consultant who works with mid- to senior-level individuals in career transition. She also coaches other career consultants on best practices in the career field. She is an expert in career theory and transition and experienced in helping clients achieve their professional and personal best. To learn more, visit careerinprogress.com.
🎙️ Host of "Good in Motion" Podcast 🌟 Inspiring your Team to Live a Balanced Life 🚀 Interviewing Experts & Sharing Actionable Tips for your Well-Being
3moInteresting views on fixed and flexible boundaries, Heather Maietta, Ed.D.! I would say that some of my flexible boundaries need to be fixed (like exercising); otherwise, they tend to disappear completely!
I help people build profitable online businesses through their personal brand 🔥 From 0 → $30M ARR | Startup & GTM Advisor & Builder 📈 ex-LinkedIn & ex-Remote 🦄 | Founder: Huntrs
5moYes, work-life integration Heather