Why Your Business Will Always Get The Sales Professionals It Deserves!
So why would I say this? Well quite simply because it’s true, but sadly very few people running businesses needing genuinely successful sales professionals realise this; and the main reason why they fail to realise this, is because they are not successful sales professionals themselves.
So as we approach a time of evolution in all our business models, (as we await to see how the purchasing behaviour of our consumers has been changed by the government’s handling of the pandemic), I thought I would publish a guide to attracting genuinely successful sale professionals because boy, some businesses are going to need them in the future.
Sadly though not everyone can attract the sales professionals required to succeed and to help in the understanding of why that is the case, I thought I would explore the reasons why with business owners in this article.
So let’s start with Selling and the Laws of Attraction! Now this is an important understanding and to help let’s look at your business as a football club and where you feel you may be operating; are you in the Premier League or are you in Division 2? Now this is important because rather like the football club, where you are operating and what you have to offer will dictate the sales talent you can attract. So back to the football club analogy, this is why Mansfield Town will find it impossible to secure the signature of Cristiano Ronaldo.
For sure Mr Ronaldo is playing exactly the same game and in a similar environment, (on a football pitch), but he will set demands on the football club he joins and expect, (quite rightly), the highest standards of football and opportunity to succeed, before he makes a decision to come and work at your club.
Now businesses run and owned by people who have been successful sales professionals realise this and they also appreciate that they must work hard to attract the top sales talent, the talent required in order to succeed. Sadly though too few businesses are run by genuinely successful sales professionals and this is where the problems start, because these are the businesses that just trap mediocre sales talent in their business, those who then hide behind their basic salary!
My fear for these businesses is that they are going to really struggle in the looming economic climate; they probably have nothing of real “Value” to sell combined with no strategy and/or none of the sales professionals required in order to succeed! Some of course may be temporarily saved by not having to “Sell” anymore because they have invested in a tech based mouse to house model, those in the FMCG market for example; but don’t be too smug because if Amazon can do it better, it’s only a matter of time before they will!
So to help business owners, those who have no idea how to sell because they have little experience of selling, and therefore how to work with genuinely successful sales professionals, let me enlighten you on how genuinely successful sales professionals are operating right now.
Now I work with a team of genuinely successful sale professionals so can assure anyone reading this article that the following reflects how we are thinking and how we are currently operating! The first thing to understand about genuinely successful sales professionals is that they operate as “Guns For Hire” who don’t need to hide behind a basic salary, and this is important; why? Well because if I’m discussing an opportunity to work collaboratively with you on some sales campaigns I don’t want the value of my success to be reduced by a basic salary, or an employment model tying you into legislation and employment laws surrounding holiday pay, sick pay and pension contributions.
Of course I don’t; I want to invoice you for successful completion of an agreed set of performance objectives; I’ll sort all the tax and pension contributions out from there, it makes life a lot easier for me and you.
Now hopefully you are beginning to see the difference? Especially when it comes to comparing this method of working with the environment under which people currently in sales roles at your business are working. But for avoidance of any doubt, working with genuinely successful sales and business development professionals will deliver the following differences and benefits;
· No hiding behind basic salaries.
· No tax to pay.
· No employee benefits to pay.
· No holiday pay.
· No sick pay.
· No pension contributions.
· No company car.
· No employment law considerations.
· A genuine business expense.
However, all of these benefits do come with some caveats, the main one being you must have a services package or product where there is margin to pay for excellence in execution and that has genuine value in the market place of today. The vast majority of businesses won’t but for those who do, and who are wondering how to attract successful sales and business development professionals, do not worry.
As a group of successful sales professionals we realise the importance of prospecting, because prospecting gives you choice. So at the moment we are hard at work researching the likely markets of opportunity, those where there is opportunity perhaps not identified by the owners of the business, perhaps because their skills lie elsewhere. So if your business is operating in these markets, you will probably be hearing from me.
What are these markets? Well there are many but there are some flashing red hot for me; those associated with alternative investment markets, (especially those involving the construction of content for streaming services), renewable and alternative energy, some luxury goods, alternative lifestyle and property, (although not in the way that you would imagine), are all being delved into and researched by me and my colleagues.
So should you get an approach, try to open your mind to how success can be achieved and the fact that it may not be in the way you imagined. Oh and please don’t throw into any discussions something along the lines of; well you don’t have this qualification or another, all of which are about your ego and the fragile egos of your current sales team, and nothing about any sales process and increased levels of profitability via the art of successful selling.
So who are we? Well my colleagues and I are consummate, successful sales and business development professionals, and are the “Go To” team for organisations looking to drive sales and profitability during small to medium term windows of opportunity. Working seamlessly and collaboratively within existing sales strategies, we bring our drive and expertise on how to disrupt markets, add value, drive sales volumes and increase profitability, either on a retained or performance driven remuneration basis.
As a group of professionals we know what we are good at, know the value that we can deliver, so always look to engage with companies where “Excellence in Execution” is required in order to drive increased levels of sales and profit.
If this article has tweaked your interest, I would like to suggest a brief phone conversation wherein perhaps we can explore synergies and learn a little more about your strategy moving forward. Please do not hesitate to message me directly should you wish to arrange this.