Wolverine's Trademark Called out as a Horrible Flaw
Warning: Spoilers ahead for Devil's Reign: Superior Four #2
According to Marvel Comics, Wolverine's signature sound effects make it difficult to remain stealthy, serving as a ridiculous weakness for the mutant hero.
A multiversal incarnation of Wolverine reveals one of the trademarks is a ridiculous weakness in the current issue of Devil's Reign: Superior Four, making it difficult for him to remain covert.
Otto Howlett, a dark hybrid of Wolverine and Doctor Octopus, has joined the central universe's Doc Ock, as well as a multi-armed Octopus Hulk and a Ghost Rider Octavius.
When the team comes together to fight the Octopus Supreme, it's revealed that Wolverine's famous usage of onomatopoeia is a hindrance.
The other versions agree to follow the primary Otto's lead in the first issue of Superior Four, hoping to build a multiversal army of Octopi to establish their superiority.
Unfortunately, their main roadblock has been that Doctor Octopus, unlike Doctor Strange, Iron Man, or his main competitor Spider-Man, is not an infinite constant. As a result, the Superior Four began murdering variations of themselves in the hopes of spawning more Otto variants as a result of the murders, a hazardous strategy.
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The Octopus Supreme, a Doctor Doom/Sorcerer Supreme version of Otto who appears to be superior, has noticed them.
As a result, the four Ottos face off against the Octopus Supreme in Superior Four #2 by Zac Thompson and Davide Tinto (with very little success). This variant of Doom is an outlier due to his genuine dominance, and he is undoubtedly the force to be reckoned with, effortlessly dispatching the Hulk and Ghost Rider variants. Unfortunately, the classic "snikt" sound of Wolverine's claws (and extra adamantium arms) exploding was a dead giveaway while he tried to sneak up on Doom.
Given that this Wolverine version was panned for his signature sound effect, it comes to assume that the same flaw would also apply to the original Wolverine.
While it isn't always represented that way, it's understandable that Wolverine's claws popping audibly might be a hindrance in his attempts to sneak up on opponents. However, as the Octopus Supreme points out, Wolverine should have found a means to silence his claws a long time ago.
On the other hand, Quiet claws are unlikely to appear for Wolverine because it would deprive fans of one of the most iconic Marvel sound effects of all time. "Snikt," like "Thwip" or "Bamf," is an onomatopoeic word that only Wolverine and others with retractable adamantium claws may use. Similarly, he and his Wolverine children have been dubbed the "Snikt Family." However, it appears that it is also one of Wolverine's significant flaws (of which there are few).
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