Work Place Diversity by S CHAKRABORTY
This Workshop by Corporate Dossier India is aimed at apprising the participants of the new Law, its features, compliance's, penalties for non-compliance and other Fine print of the Act/Acts besides imbibing the sensitivity in the diversity which is often not understood or is so latent and unapparent that people of either side of the gender mistake nuances of gestures and body language and commit the mistake or trespassing.
The need for the workshop arose as the Union Parliament enacted the act titled as “The S e x u a l Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 (14 of 2013)” in view of the Guidelines of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of “Vishakha & Ors Versus State of Rajasthan and Others” dated 13/08/1997, as well as the POSH Act 2018.
That in terms of Section 29 of the Act the Central Government vide G.S.R. 769 (E) notified “The S e x u a l Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013” which were published in Gazette dated 9th December, 2013 (Monday).
Our workshops are usually dramatized more effectively with the help/support of a theatre group which is associated with us.
Corporate Dossier India undertakes to show, dramatize effectively, imbibe and sensitize the participants and employees, but also helps organisation set up or create their Corporate Internal Policy and Guideline besides setting up a full- fledged Internal Sexual Harassment panel or committee.
Workshop offers
- Backdrop in which the Act was enacted
- Knowledge on basic features of the Act and Rules
- Scope of Definition of S e x u a l Harassment at Workplace – as per the Act as well as Hon’ble Supreme Court Guideline in Judgment of “Vishakha & Ors Versus State of Rajasthan and Others”
- Mode and manner of Complaint.
- The POSH Act 2018
- Mode and manner of dealing with Cases / Complaints of S e x u a l Harassment (Procedure of Inquiry)
- Knowledge on various committees as per the Act (Composition, Qualif. of Members, procedure of Function, remuneration etc)
- Guideline on Internal Policy formation on Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal of S e x u a l Harassment
- Punishments as per the Act
- Penalties on Organisations for Non Compliance of the Act
- Knowledge on organizing Orientation Program for Internal Complaints Committee Members and for other Staff members
- Mode and Manner of Annual Return Filing under S e x u a l Harassment (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013
- Suggestions of creating Safe & Secure Workplace
- Rights of Complainant
- Rights of Accused
- Safeguards against false or malicious charges.
Results from this Workshop
This Workshop will help your Managers and Employees become fully
- Aware of the New Law; Accept the Law; Act as per Law &
- Achieve its Objective along Organization’s objectives.
- Your Workplace becomes Safe, Secure & Best Place to Work.
- Your People start Doing Right Things Right First Time Every Time.
- Employees connect with their Organization
- Gender Sensitive Employees raise Productivity & cut Costs; Grow greater Commitment and Sense of Belongingness; dedicate them in achieving Organization Objectives;
- Employees learn to inculcate Respect for Self (Morale) & Respect for Others (Spirit of Collaboration);
- Participants will learn to effectively deal with Reported or Unreported incidents of Harassment particularly s e x u a l harassment
- Participants create & sustain a safe Workplace where employees work with Dignity and Honour;
METHODOLOGY: Corporate Dossier India initiates the workshop with impact by using the support of its associated theatre company to dramatize and create an impact, besides, presentation and Role Plays to enhance the impact.
DURATION: One day/Two Days
Benefits from Workshop
- Participants will know each other’s Expectations & Anxieties
- They will understand Perceptions and Causes of Misunderstandings;
- Understand the perception men and women have about each other.
- Knowing stereotypes associated with men & women-how they affect People
- Knowing issues of sexual harassment at workplace and its Bad Effect. Knowing What can the harassed do
- Harassment resulting in Employee Disengagement.
- Gender relations as power relations
- Harassment cannot survive without participation.
Who should attend the Workshop?
- Progressive Law- abiding Employers
- Heads of Institutions
- Members of 'Internal Complaints Committees'
- HR Heads, Managers
- Teachers, Students
- Human Rights Activists and interested Citizens, NGOs.
- Modern Men & Women who respect & uphold Rule of Law.
- Those who want No Unwanted Media Publicity & Public Outcry for all wrong reasons.
- Those who are responsible to promote Productivity& Growth Sustainability. How this Workshop Benefits Your Business.
Workplace Diversity Course Outline:
Module One: Getting Started
- Icebreaker
- Housekeeping Items
- The Parking Lot
- Workshop Objectives
Module Two: Understanding Diversity
- What is Diversity?
- Related Terms and Concepts
- A Brief History
- A Legal Overview
Module Three: Understanding Stereotypes
- Stereotypes vs. Biases
- Identifying Your Baggage
- Understanding What This Means
Module Four: Breaking Down the Barriers
- Changing Your Personal Approach
- Encouraging Workplace Changes
- Encouraging Social Changes
- When does one draw the line and not cross it
Module Five: Verbal Communication Skills
- Listening and Hearing: They Aren't the Same Thing
- Asking Questions
- Communicating with Power
Module Six: Non-Verbal Communication Skills
- Body Language
- The Signals You Send to Others
- It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It
Module Seven: Being Proactive
- Encouraging Diversity in the Workplace
- Preventing Discrimination
- Ways to Discourage Discrimination
Module Eight: Coping with Discrimination
- Identifying if You Have Been Discriminated Against
- Methods of Reprisal
- Choosing a Course of Action
Module Nine: Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Person
- What To Do If You're Involved In A Complaint
- Understanding Your Role
- Creating a Support System
Module Ten: Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Manager
- Recording the Complaint
- Identifying Appropriate Actions
- Choosing a Path
Module Eleven: Dealing with Diversity Complaints as an Organization
- Receiving a Complaint
- Choosing a Response
- Learning from the Complaint
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
- Examples/Instances :Words from the Wise
- Review of Parking Lot
- Lessons Learned
- Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
Facilitator’s Profile: S Chakraborty is an International Coach cum Trainer par Excellence and an, HR Professional, with more than, 27 year experience in the field. A motivational speaker who is downright passionate with Human Development and Humane Values, he is a trainer with more than 3900 man hours of training. He is a specialist in Assessment Center and Development Center and is a professional counselor. A trained Assessor and Facilitator, Sumendra, has regularly designed and delivered Assessment Centers for Auto and Banking organizations. His experience in OD, Talent Management & Training has equipped him with an understanding of competency frameworks and its implications in organization structures. . He has put into practice years of experience with leading global organizations to design and deliver high impact workshops. His work in the area of Leadership Development and Executive Coaching. In the past 8 years he has conducted more than 17 Open Public Programs in the Top 5 Metros with participants from more than 35 leading organizations plus another 35+ in-company workshops. As a Consultant, he has helped several organizations to design competency models as a way of achieving organizational effectiveness, Managerial Effectiveness, Team Building, Conflict Resolution and Gender Diversity. Contact us for a One Day/2 Day workshop in Gender Diversity : or call at:+919619713801.