The World in 60 Seconds - November 30, 2016
Hi there, this is Ian Bremmer, and I'm here in Tokyo, Japan. I'm right in front of Tokyo Station. Here's the World in 60 seconds. Got your questions lined up and ready to go? Okay. Let's do it.
Trump: Will he ever stop tweeting?
Of course not. He enjoys it. It's a sickness. I don't know what you want to call it, but he's not going to stop. It doesn't matter. He's president.
Cuba: Will Trump end Détente?
I think not. I actually think that he wants to invest. He wants to open up. He just wants to show it's his deal and not Obama's. He'll find a way to get that done. I think Cuba still works.
France: Will Fillon win the presidency?
I'd like to say yes given the alternative of Le Pen, but given where we are with populism, given Trump's support, Putin's support, what's happening on the ground in Europe, if there's a really big terrorist attack, Le Pen has a really good shot.
Syria: Has Assad won?
After almost six years of war, you have to say: Pretty much, yes. He's not going to run all of Syria, there's going to have to be some governance sharing, but generally, Assad is the guy to focus on. Horrible for the Syrian people.
EU: Will the Turkey Migrants Deal hold?
Probably not. Certainly not for long.
China: Will RCEP happen now that TPP is dead?
I say yes and it's going to get stronger. China has the architecture in Asia.
That's it !
Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group, foreign affairs columnist at TIME and Global Research Professor at New York University. Eurasia Group will be running a course on Global Political Risk with the Arab Strategy Forum in Dubai December 12-13. To learn more and register for the course, click here. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
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8yI think Mr D.Trump it was good to be able to communicate directly with their constituents even a little time to absorb the aspirations of the American people and the world to manage time effectively. Welcome to Eurasia Group will run the course of global political risk with the Arab Strategy Forum in Dubai December 12 to 13. Forums are very good, to measure how stable portfolio or the company and how it will react with the geopolitical events or a succession of leadership of a country to resist or withstand shocks or economic turmoil.
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8yWhether Trump tweets or not is a non-issue; though it does seem to be an addiction for lots of people. The issue with tweets is that they focus on the low level attention span of people, who could not be bothered to actually understand the implications of the feeds populism over substance. Trump will continue to do this because it actually works for him, and is a simple means for him to do his own polling on issues her might either hold dear to himself, or those that might cause issues for link to the people; but the question is "his people only, or everyone"? After all, he is elected to work for all Americans, not just those that supported him.